How do I make sure that a function is used properly/as intended when called?

I want to make some code that just converts an int of value 0 or 1 to a boolean but I don’t want the value inputted to be anything other than 0 or 1. If that is the case I want to throw an error and stop the program like any other error would normally do.

How should I do this? I tried searching around for how to use exceptions and throwing errors but I only got results that were about using “try” and “catch” which would not work in this case.

Here is my code:

public boolean intToBoolean(int value){
  // Intended for only 1 and 0
   return value == 1 ? true : false;
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void setup(){
  println( intToBoolean(1) );
  println( intToBoolean(0) );
  println( intToBoolean(4) );
  println( intToBoolean(0) );

public boolean intToBoolean(int value){
  // Intended for only 1 and 0 - all other values throw an error.
  if (value != 0 && value != 1) {
        throw( new RuntimeException("Value was not either 0 or 1.") );
  return( value == 1 );

Thank you! This worked as intended.

Wouldn’t return value == 1; be the same as return value == 1 ? true : false;?