How do i make a new image file

i know how to save a PImage as a png but i have to overwrite an existing file. can i manually create a new png file in my data folder and then write a PImage to it?

if i just try to do it tells me i need an “absolute path” which i’m interpreting as a pre-existing file to write over. i know there’s a way to save a screenshot of the entire canvas, how can i do this with just a PImage file?

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You can save the screen with saveFrame(String+".dataType");

saveFrame("image.png"); //saves the screen as image.png
saveFrame("imageNumber"+counter+".jpg"); //saves the screen as a imageNumber<int value>.jpg
//saves frame in the newly created frames folder, with the current frameCount
//replacing the ##### ; so frame 123 would look like this: frames folder > frame00123.jpeg

This means that you can actually customize the string (or use the default function of processing to replace the ### with frameCount.


My efforts:

PImage photo1, photo2;

void setup() 
  size(100, 100);
  photo2 = createImage(50, 50, RGB);"\\data\\PImage2.png");
  photo1 = loadImage("PImage1.png");
  photo1.resize(50, 50);"\\data\\PImage2.png");
  photo2 = loadImage("PImage2.png");

void draw() 
  image(photo2, 0, 0);


PImage.png used was from references:



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what does this do? Is it just the normal “data/…”?

There is a comment about escape sequence and the \\ here:
String / Reference /

This saves it to the data folder otherwise it just saved it to sketch folder.

This works also:

PImage photo1, photo2;

void setup() 
  size(100, 100);
  photo2 = createImage(50, 50, RGB);"/data/PImage2.png");
  photo1 = loadImage("PImage1.png");
  photo1.resize(50, 50);"/data/PImage2.png");
  photo2 = loadImage("PImage2.png");

void draw() 
  image(photo2, 0, 0);


i know how to save a screenshot, how do i save a PImage without drawing it onto the screen first

i’ve been trying to use, don’t you need to already have a file that’s called that? i want to make new image files and i can’t do that with save because it needs an ‘absolute path’

essentially i’m doing image processing to change the colors of images- but i don’t want to have to do that every time because it’s slow so i wan’t to save each new color version of the image file. but i can’t do“data/”+name); because name isn’t an ‘absolute path’- it’s a variable

Try these added to your PImage file name:

println (dataPath(""));
println (sketchPath(""));



oh wow that totally worked, thanks!

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