How do I import p5 via npm?

I have tried to import p5 into my project using webpack (you can see the code here GitHub - lion9/p5-npm), but to no avail. Everything seems to be built into the app.bundle.js file, but the canvas is not appering at all.

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As far as I know the default global mode doesn’t work with import p5 from 'p5';. Instance mode should work.

Here’s an example:

import p5 from 'p5';

const sketch = (s) => {
    s.setup = () => {
        s.createCanvas(10, 10);

    s.draw = () => {
        s.background(0);, 10, 10);

const sketchInstance = new p5(sketch);

Hope that helps!


Is there anyway to not write s. everywhere? Maybe I could import functions manually?

Technically there is a way to temporarily introduce stuff into the global scope in JavaScript: the with block.

import p5 from 'p5';

const sketch = (s) => {
    s.setup = () => {
        s.createCanvas(10, 10);

    s.draw = () => {
        with (s) {
            circle(10, 10, 10);

const sketchInstance = new p5(sketch);

However, usage of the with block is generally discouraged because it can create confusion about what is being referenced.


Technically you could also use a destructuring assignment for the stuff you intend to use:

import p5 from 'p5';

const sketch = (s) => {
    const { createCanvas, background, circle } = s;
    s.setup = () => {
        createCanvas(10, 10);

    s.draw = () => {
        circle(10, 10, 10);

const sketchInstance = new p5(sketch);

With the obvious downside of needing to list every p5.js function and constant you intend to use.


@KumuPaul – the destructuring option looks interesting for automatic code conversion.

It seems like (perhaps) a conversion script could take the code of a global sketch as input and then produce a the code of an instance mode sketch as output, with a destructuring assignment that listed only the p5.js functions and constants that are actually called.

Neat idea. It would require some JavaScript static analysis tool or library to determine which p5.js functions/constants/properties were actually used. But here’s a big destructuring assignment with everything as of 1.4.0:

const { ADD, ALT, ARROW, AUDIO, AUTO, AXES, BACKSPACE, BASELINE, BEVEL, BEZIER, BLEND, BLUR, BOLD, BOLDITALIC, BOTTOM, BURN, CENTER, CHORD, CLAMP, CLOSE, CONTROL, CORNER, CORNERS, CROSS, CURVE, DARKEST, DEGREES, DEG_TO_RAD, DELETE, DIFFERENCE, DILATE, DODGE, DOWN_ARROW, ENTER, ERODE, ESCAPE, EXCLUSION, FALLBACK, FILL, GRAY, GRID, HALF_PI, HAND, HARD_LIGHT, HSB, HSL, IMAGE, IMMEDIATE, INVERT, ITALIC, LABEL, LANDSCAPE, LEFT, LEFT_ARROW, LIGHTEST, LINEAR, LINES, LINE_LOOP, LINE_STRIP, MIRROR, MITER, MOVE, MULTIPLY, NEAREST, NORMAL, OPAQUE, OPEN, OPTION, OVERLAY, P2D, PI, PIE, POINTS, PORTRAIT, POSTERIZE, PROJECT, QUADRATIC, QUADS, QUAD_STRIP, QUARTER_PI, RADIANS, RADIUS, RAD_TO_DEG, REMOVE, REPEAT, REPLACE, RETURN, RGB, RIGHT, RIGHT_ARROW, ROUND, SCREEN, SHIFT, SOFT_LIGHT, SQUARE, STROKE, SUBTRACT, TAB, TAU, TESS, TEXT, TEXTURE, THRESHOLD, TOP, TRIANGLES, TRIANGLE_FAN, TRIANGLE_STRIP, TWO_PI, UP_ARROW, VIDEO, WAIT, WEBGL, accelerationX, accelerationY, accelerationZ, deltaTime, deviceOrientation, displayHeight, displayWidth, focused, frameCount, height, isKeyPressed, key, keyCode, keyIsPressed, mouseButton, mouseIsPressed, mouseX, mouseY, movedX, movedY, pAccelerationX, pAccelerationY, pAccelerationZ, pRotateDirectionX, pRotateDirectionY, pRotateDirectionZ, pRotationX, pRotationY, pRotationZ, pixels, pmouseX, pmouseY, pwinMouseX, pwinMouseY, rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ, touches, turnAxis, width, winMouseX, winMouseY, windowHeight, windowWidth, abs, acos, alpha, ambientLight, ambientMaterial, angleMode, append, applyMatrix, arc, arrayCopy, asin, atan, atan2, background, beginContour, beginShape, bezier, bezierDetail, bezierPoint, bezierTangent, bezierVertex, blend, blendMode, blue, boolean, box, brightness, byte, camera, ceil, char, circle, clear, clearStorage, color, colorMode, concat, cone, constrain, copy, cos, createA, createAudio, createButton, createCamera, createCanvas, createCapture, createCheckbox, createColorPicker, createDiv, createElement, createFileInput, createGraphics, createImage, createImg, createInput, createNumberDict, createP, createRadio, createSelect, createShader, createSlider, createSpan, createStringDict, createVector, createVideo, createWriter, cursor, curve, curveDetail, curvePoint, curveTangent, curveTightness, curveVertex, cylinder, day, debugMode, degrees, describe, describeElement, directionalLight, displayDensity, dist, downloadFile, ellipse, ellipseMode, ellipsoid, emissiveMaterial, endContour, endShape, erase, exitPointerLock, exp, fill, filter, float, floor, fract, frameRate, frustum, fullscreen, get, getFrameRate, getItem, getURL, getURLParams, getURLPath, green, gridOutput, hex, hour, httpDo, httpGet, httpPost, hue, image, imageMode, int, isLooping, join, keyIsDown, lerp, lerpColor, lightFalloff, lightness, lights, line, loadBytes, loadFont, loadImage, loadJSON, loadModel, loadPixels, loadShader, loadStrings, loadTable, loadXML, log, loop, mag, map, match, matchAll, max, millis, min, minute, model, month, nf, nfc, nfp, nfs, noCanvas, noCursor, noDebugMode, noErase, noFill, noLights, noLoop, noSmooth, noStroke, noTint, noise, noiseDetail, noiseSeed, norm, normal, normalMaterial, orbitControl, ortho, perspective, pixelDensity, plane, point, pointLight, pop, popMatrix, popStyle, pow, print, push, pushMatrix, pushStyle, quad, quadraticVertex, radians, random, randomGaussian, randomSeed, rect, rectMode, red, redraw, registerPromisePreload, removeElements, removeItem, requestPointerLock, resetMatrix, resetShader, resizeCanvas, reverse, rotate, rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ, round, saturation, save, saveCanvas, saveFrames, saveGif, saveJSON, saveJSONArray, saveJSONObject, saveStrings, saveTable, scale, second, select, selectAll, set, setAttributes, setCamera, setFrameRate, setMoveThreshold, setShakeThreshold, shader, shearX, shearY, shininess, shorten, shuffle, sin, smooth, sort, specularColor, specularMaterial, sphere, splice, split, splitTokens, spotLight, sq, sqrt, square, storeItem, str, stroke, strokeCap, strokeJoin, strokeWeight, subset, tan, text, textAlign, textAscent, textDescent, textFont, textLeading, textOutput, textSize, textStyle, textWidth, texture, textureMode, textureWrap, tint, torus, translate, triangle, trim, unchar, unhex, updatePixels, vertex, writeFile, year } = s;

so with that at the root of the instance mode function all you need to do is remove unused variables declared in that statement.

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