How do i host a collected link in this box i invented: p5.js

heres a good example for now to sum up your coding.

here’s the original code simplest

function setup1() {

hi, you posted that already
I want to look into something. how do i extract a 8bit and view it ,
but looks like you could not reach anybody to help you
as the question is not understood.

  • no idea what you are showing there
  • what is the connection with the dom video example?

pls show us your existing / running code at

so far i learnt its a form of javascript it doesn’t seem to work in p5. i think i will get something and also report that the site does have different levels of editing vocalness… parts of the code don’t show up.

@octaminotin – why are you putting things like “iframe” in your posts? This makes me think you may be a spambot, using fake post fragments.

Your posts use a lot of invalid syntax (like # for javascript comments, or “dot.operator” or “setup1”). None of these things run in p5.js, which makes me wonder where you are getting them and why you are using them – or if they are made up by a spambot. You also post questions about one thing (link boxes) and examples that seem to be about something else (video).

it is still hard to tell what your question is – even after reading your forum post title. “host” how? “collected” what, from who? By “box” do you mean an iframe, and how did you “invent” it? If you are having language troubles, please identify your original language and try using Google Translate. If you can explain what you want then people here want to help you.

p5.js is javascript. There is no difference.