Hi everyone!
I’m trying to figure out how I can generate colour that will respond to my JSON data.
Heres the code so far and I’ve highlighted the bits at the end to show my attempt, but obviously it hasn’t worked. The reference I used was based off this https://editor.p5js.org/chesterdols/sketches/SJiW1YvTX
var data;
var instagram, snapchat, messenger, facebook, email, instagramCol, snapchatCol, messengerCol, facebookCol, emailCol;
function preload (){
data =loadJSON ("Sunday.json");
function setup() {
createCanvas (windowWidth, windowHeight);
background (255);
instagramCol = color (142, 68, 173);
messengerCol = color (133, 193, 233);
snapchatCol = color (247, 220, 111);
facebookCol = color (118, 215, 196);
emailCol = color (178, 186, 187);
c = [instagramCol, messengerCol, snapchatCol, facebookCol, emailCol];
function draw () {
for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
fill (data[j].c[0], data[j].c[1], data[j].c[2];
circle (x,y,30);
"12:00 am": {
"instagram": 0,
"messenger": 0,
"snapchat": 0,
"email": 0,
"facebook": 0,
"totalNotification": 0
"1:00 am": {
"instagram": 1,
"messenger": 2,
"snapchat": 0,
"email": 0,
"facebook": 0,
"totalNotification": 3
Any help or recommends would be great! if you could also point me to any references or examples other than the P5.JS library that would also be great!