How can i stop the 2 players from being able to keep moving in their direction when they collide

I am learning Java in college through processing and have been trying to make it so that when the 2 sprites collide on one side or the other they can no longer move in that direction

The collision checks seem to work but i dont know how i would go about to making it so using this i can prevent the movement of the sprites

(also note that these checks are being done in the draw function)

//check if P1 is to the left of P2
  if(P1posX == ( P2posX - leftSide ) && P1posY == P2posY){
    collisionTestCheckSide1 = true;
    print("collision detected side 1");
    if(P1posX != ( P2posX - leftSide ) && P1posY == P2posY){
    collisionTestCheckSide1 = false;
//check if P1 is to the right of P2
  if(P1posX == ( P2posX + rightSide ) && P1posY == P2posY){
    collisionTestCheckSide2 = true;
    print("collision detected side 2");
    if(P1posX != ( P2posX + rightSide ) && P1posY == P2posY){
    collisionTestCheckSide2 = false;

Heres the movement part of the script

void keyPressed() {

    if (keyCode == LEFT && P1posX > 10) {
      P1posX = P1posX - 5;
    if (keyCode == 68 && P2posX < 490) {
      P2posX =  P2posX + 5;
    if (keyCode == UP && P1posY > 10) {
     P1posY = P1posY - 5;
    if (keyCode == DOWN && P1posY < 490 ) {
     P1posY = P1posY + 5;
    if (keyCode == RIGHT && P1posX < 490) {
      P1posX =  P1posX + 5;
      if (keyCode == 65 && P2posX > 10) {
      P2posX = P2posX - 5;
    if (keyCode == 87 && P2posY > 10) {
     P2posY = P2posY - 5;
    if (keyCode == 83 && P2posY < 490) {
     P2posY = P2posY + 5;

And heres the whole all my code

float P1posX = 300;
float P1posY = 250;
float P2posX = 200;
float P2posY = 250;
float leftSide = 20;
float rightSide = 20;
PImage bg;
boolean collisionTestCheckSide1 = false;
boolean collisionTestCheckSide2 = false;

void setup() {
  size(500, 500); 
  bg = loadImage("canvas.png");

void draw() {
  if (P1posX < 250){
    fill(200, 1800, 900);
  rect(P1posX, P1posY, 20, 20, 100);
  fill(10, 550, 200);
  if (P2posX < 250){
    fill(900, 900, 900);
  rect(P2posX, P2posY, 20, 20, 100);
//check if P1 is to the left of P2
  if(P1posX == ( P2posX - leftSide ) && P1posY == P2posY){
    collisionTestCheckSide1 = true;
    print("collision detected side 1");
    if(P1posX != ( P2posX - leftSide ) && P1posY == P2posY){
    collisionTestCheckSide1 = false;
//check if P1 is to the right of P2
  if(P1posX == ( P2posX + rightSide ) && P1posY == P2posY){
    collisionTestCheckSide2 = true;
    print("collision detected side 2");
    if(P1posX != ( P2posX + rightSide ) && P1posY == P2posY){
    collisionTestCheckSide2 = false;
  if(collisionTestCheckSide1 != true){



void keyPressed() {

    if (keyCode == LEFT && P1posX > 10) {
      P1posX = P1posX - 5;
    if (keyCode == 68 && P2posX < 490) {
      P2posX =  P2posX + 5;
    if (keyCode == UP && P1posY > 10) {
     P1posY = P1posY - 5;
    if (keyCode == DOWN && P1posY < 490 ) {
     P1posY = P1posY + 5;
    if (keyCode == RIGHT && P1posX < 490) {
      P1posX =  P1posX + 5;
      if (keyCode == 65 && P2posX > 10) {
      P2posX = P2posX - 5;
    if (keyCode == 87 && P2posY > 10) {
     P2posY = P2posY - 5;
    if (keyCode == 83 && P2posY < 490) {
     P2posY = P2posY + 5;

  //WASD keyCode values 87 = w, 65 = a, 83 = s, 68 = d
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For example when you check this variable when the corresponding key is pressed and the variable is true then don’t move the sprite

So make the variable part of the if-clause