How can I place the dates of my data inside my ellipses?

Hello, I’m writing the code so the ellipses fall in to a grid according to the data of my steps. This code has them all bunched up, but it’s in the works so I’m leaving it as I write the data so that’s okay! So my question is, how can I get the dates inside my ellipses to label them? Here is the code right now:

Table data;
int cols = 14;
int rows = 4;
  // 40 wide, 25 down
  // determin our rows and columns
 float circleScalar = 1;
 // ^ Adjusts the fit of circles in the grid


void setup(){
  data = loadTable("Steps - Data.- 2019+2020.csv", "header");

  // data counting variable to move down the rows 1, 2, 3, 4...

void draw(){
  // width divided by columns
float grid = width/cols;
translate(grid/2, grid/2);
int index = 0;
 // for int y = 0, y is less than rows
  for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
      TableRow row = data.getRow(index);
      float d = row.getFloat("steps");
     float circleSize = getFixedCircleSize(d);
     ellipse(x*grid, y*grid - 0, circleSize, circleSize);
     // Multiplied to allow space underneath for text
  float gridT = width/cols;
translate(gridT/2, gridT/2);
  int indexT = 0;
 // for int y = 0, y is less than rows
  for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
      TableRow row = data.getRow(indexT);
      float d = row.getFloat("steps2");
     float circleSize = getFixedCircleSize(d);
     ellipse(x*gridT, y*gridT - 0, circleSize, circleSize);
     // Multiplied to allow space underneath for text

// Helper function
float getFixedCircleSize(float _size){
  float s = sqrt(_size)*circleScalar;
  return s;

And here is the data so far, incase that helps:

I’m going to be doing this until they reach October :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance for any help!

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Like this you read something from your row. Now you want to read the date.

Try String s1=row.getString("date");

Then you can use text(s1,x*gridT,y*gridT);

Besides, you could make it so that when the mouse hovers over one circle, it shows a text box of the data of this circle.

Also since each line has 2 steps you could show 2 circles half transparent in the spot. Direct comparison.

To go only to October you can use split() command on the date String and if its int is >= 10 say break; to leave the for loop


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Thank you so much for the help! I can’t work out where to put the text though, I’ve found a place it works, but it changes the circle colours (I want it to be black for now), otherwise if I put it in other areas it says it can’t find “row”, or that it doesn’t exist.

Table data;
//lerp colour
color sc = #FF9BCD;
color ec = #9BF1FF;
//color sc = #00FF63;
//color dc = #FF9100;

int cols = 17;
int rows = 17;
  // 40 wide, 25 down
  // determin our rows and columns
 float circleScalar = 0.22;
 // ^ Adjusts the fit of circles in the grid


void setup(){
  data = loadTable("Steps - Data.- 2019+2020.csv", "header");

  // data counting variable to move down the rows 1, 2, 3, 4...

void draw(){
  // width divided by columns
float grid = width/cols;
translate(grid/2, grid/2);
int index = 0;
 // for int y = 0, y is less than rows
  for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
      TableRow row = data.getRow(index);
      float d = row.getFloat("steps");
     float circleSize = getFixedCircleSize(d);
     ellipse(x*grid, y*grid, circleSize, circleSize);
     // Multiplied to allow space underneath for text
       float steps = row.getFloat("steps");
          float mc = map(steps, 20000, 30000, 0, 9999);
        color lc = lerpColor(sc, ec, mc);
         float s = row.getFloat("steps");
        if (s > 10000) {
        } else { 
          if (s < 30000);

        // steps2 data
        int indexT = 0;
         float dT = row.getFloat("steps2");
     float circleSizeT = getFixedCircleSize(dT);
     rect(x*grid, y*grid - 0, circleSizeT, circleSizeT);
      float steps2 = row.getFloat("steps2");
     // Multiplied to allow space underneath for text
      float mcmc = map(steps2, 20000, 30000, 0, 9999);
   color lclc = lerpColor(ec, sc, mcmc);
          float st = row.getFloat("steps");
        if (st > 10000) {
        } else { 
          if (st < 30000);
         String s1 = row.getString("date");

// Helper function
float getFixedCircleSize(float _size){
  float s = sqrt(_size)*circleScalar;
  return s;

Yeah, I forgot

before ellipse say fill(0);

AND before text() say fill(255);

you need this so each command has the right fill