How can I make my game create a new ball and/or restart the code?

I am currently trying to make it so when a button is clicked, it will create a new ball. I’m also trying to have another button that would completely restart the game. Can someone help me out please? My code is here:

var gameStart = false;
var paddleL = {
  x: 10,
  y: 235,
  w: 15,
  h: 100,
var paddleR = {
  x: 775,
  y: 235,
  w: 15,
  h: 100,
var ball = {
  x: 50,
  y: 250,
  diam: 25,
  speedX: 5,
  speedY: 5,
var speedX = 5;
var speedY = 5;
var paddleSpeed = 12;
var s = "Welcome to Political Pong! Player one controls their paddle with the a and z keys. Player two controls their paddle with the /? key and the '\" key. Press the space bar to begin";
var score = 0;
var score1 = 0;
/*function down(x){
 x = x + 5;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(800, 600);
  //text(s, 10, 10, 70, 80);
  var button = createButton("New Ball")
  var button1 = createButton("New Game")
  button1.mousePressed(setup, draw, createLeftPaddle, createRightPaddle, createBall, ballBounceTopAndBottom, ballBounceRight, ballBounceLeft)

function draw() {
  //if (keyPressed(32) === true) {
  gameStart === true;
    background(0, 0, 0);

  function createBall(){ 
    //Create ball
    fill(198, 237, 44);
    ellipse(ball.x, ball.y, ball.diam, ball.diam);

    ball.x = ball.x + speedX;
    ball.y = ball.y + speedY;

  function createLeftPaddle() {
    //Create the left paddle
    fill(500, 55, 154);
    rect(paddleL.x, paddleL.y, paddleL.w, paddleL.h);
    //Control the left paddle
    if (keyIsDown(90) === true) {
      if (paddleL.y + paddleL.h < height - 5) {
        paddleL.y = paddleL.y + paddleSpeed;
    if (keyIsDown(65) === true) {
      if (paddleL.y > 5) {
        paddleL.y = paddleL.y - paddleSpeed;
  function createRightPaddle() {
    //Create the right paddle
    fill(154, 55, 500);
    rect(paddleR.x, paddleR.y, paddleR.w, paddleR.h);
    //Control the right paddle

    if (keyIsDown(191) === true) { //move paddle down
      if (paddleR.y + paddleR.h < height - 5) {
        paddleR.y = paddleR.y + paddleSpeed;
    if (keyIsDown(222) === true) { //move paddle up
      if (paddleR.y > 5) {
        paddleR.y = paddleR.y - paddleSpeed;

  function ballBounceTopAndBottom() {

    //If if the ball hits the top or bottom of the court it bounces
    if (ball.y + 12.5 > height || ball.y < 12.5 && ball.x > 0 && ball.x < width && ball.y > 0 && ball.y < height) {
      speedY = speedY * -1; //reverse the direction of the motion
      ball.y = ball.y + speedY; //keeps things moving


function ballBounceRight() {
    //if the x of the edge ball is more than the x of the right paddle and
    //the y of the ball is greater than the y of the rectangle and 
    //less than the y of the rectangle plus the height
    if (ball.x + 12.5 > paddleR.x && ball.y + 12.5 > paddleR.y && ball.y + 12.5 < paddleR.y + paddleR.h && ball.x > 0 && ball.x < width && ball.y > 0 && ball.y < height) {
      speedX = speedX * -1; //This reverses the direction, I think
      ball.x = ball.x + speedX; //This keeps the ball moving

    //if the edge of the ball is lower than rect y and
    //the x of the ball is greater than the x of the rect and less than the width
    else if (ball.y + 12.5 > paddleR.y && ball.y < paddleR.y + paddleR.y + paddleR.h && ball.x + 12.5 > paddleR.x && ball.x < paddleR.x + paddleR.x && ball.x > 0 && ball.x < width && ball.y > 0 && ball.y < height) {
      speedY = speedY * -1; //reverse the direction of the motion
      ball.y = ball.y + speedY; //keeps things moving
      print("bam top");

    //if the edge of the ball is higher than rect y plus height and 
    //the x of the ball is greater than the x of the rect and less than the width
    else if (ball.y + 12.5 < paddleR.y + paddleR.h && ball.y > paddleR.y && ball.x > paddleR.x && ball.x < paddleR.x + paddleR.h && ball.x > 0 && ball.x < width && ball.y > 0 && ball.y < height) {
      speedY = speedY * -1; //reverse the direction of the motion
      ball.y = ball.y + speedY; //keeps things moving
      print("bam bottom");

function ballBounceLeft() {
    //if the ball hits the left wall
    /* if (ball.x < 0) {
       speedX = speedX * -1; //This reverses the direction, I think
       ball.x = ball.x + speedX; //This keeps the ball moving

    //if the ball hits the front of the left paddle
    if (ball.x - 12.5 < paddleL.x + paddleL.w && ball.y + 12.5 > paddleL.y && ball.y + 12.5 < paddleL.y + paddleL.h && ball.x > 0 && ball.x < width && ball.y > 0 && ball.y < height) {
      speedX = speedX * -1; //This reverses the direction, I think
      ball.x = ball.x + speedX; //This keeps the ball moving
fill(0, 255, 255);
text("Score: " + score, 10, 25);
fill(0, 255, 255);
text("Score: " + score1, 700, 25);

I would take the time to tidy your code and fix your formatting for the forum, first … also change your " to ' when defining your string and in your button arguments.

properly comment out the functions you are not using.

then create a ball object, I would suggest a class and implement vector math for physics.

to create a new ball on button press, just create a new instance of your ball object inside createBall().

to start a new game, create a function that has all your initial settings and call that when button is pressed.


Hi @GoToLoop! Please provide an explanation or description in the future please. Also, the examples were removed.

Well, you’ve just butchered those 2 poor links. Gonna repost them correctly so that’s evident: :expressionless:


They’re about creating clickable balls. Satisfied now? :volleyball:

oh okay, my mistake. I was trying to make the links clickable:-)

They can be turned clickable in the former forum. :smirk:
But in this 1, the $ character is butchered. And I’ve got no more ideas on how to bypass that! :exploding_head: