How can I make my code work for multiple figure detection (poseNet)?


I’ve just started learning how to code and in my school, there’s not much guidance about the subject. Currently, I’m doing a project with p5.js and poseNet. But I’m stuck trying to modify each keypoint independently, it’s only working with one figure at a time. How can I command the keypoints of multiple subjects at the same time? Many thanks!

let video;
let poseNet;
let poses = [];
//let maxPoseDetections = 5;

let noseX = 0;
let noseY = 0;
let leftShoulderX = 0;
let leftShoulderY = 0;
let rightShoulderX = 0;
let rightShoulderY = 0;
let leftElbowX = 0;
let leftElbowY = 0;
let rightElbowX = 0;
let rightElbowY = 0;
let leftWristX = 0;
let leftWristY = 0;
let rightWristX = 0;
let rightWristY = 0;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 480);
  video = createCapture(VIDEO);
  video.size(width, height);
  poseNet = ml5.poseNet(video, modelReady);
  poseNet.on('pose', gotPoses);
  poseNet.on('pose', function (results) {
  poses = results;

function modelReady() {
  console.log('model ready');

function draw() {
  image(video, 0, 0, width, height);

function gotPoses(poses) {
  if (poses.length > 0) {
    let nX = poses[0].pose.keypoints[0].position.x;
    let nY = poses[0].pose.keypoints[0].position.y;
    let lsX = poses[0].pose.keypoints[5].position.x;
    let lsY = poses[0].pose.keypoints[5].position.y;
    let rsX = poses[0].pose.keypoints[6].position.x;
    let rsY = poses[0].pose.keypoints[6].position.y;
    let leX = poses[0].pose.keypoints[7].position.x;
    let leY = poses[0].pose.keypoints[7].position.y;
    let reX = poses[0].pose.keypoints[8].position.x;
    let reY = poses[0].pose.keypoints[8].position.y;
    let lwX = poses[0].pose.keypoints[9].position.x;
    let lwY = poses[0].pose.keypoints[9].position.y;
    let rwX = poses[0].pose.keypoints[10].position.x;
    let rwY = poses[0].pose.keypoints[10].position.y;

    noseX = lerp(noseX, nX, 0.4);
    noseY = lerp(noseY, nY, 0.4);
    leftShoulderX = lerp(leftShoulderX, lsX, 0.3);
    leftShoulderY = lerp(leftShoulderY, lsY, 0.3);
    rightShoulderX = lerp(rightShoulderX, rsX, 0.3);
    rightShoulderY = lerp(rightShoulderY, rsY, 0.3);
    leftElbowX = lerp(leftElbowX, leX, 0.5);
    leftElbowY = lerp(leftElbowY, leY, 0.5);
    rightElbowX = lerp(rightElbowX, reX, 0.5);
    rightElbowY = lerp(rightElbowY, reY, 0.5);
    leftWristX = lerp(leftWristX, lwX, 0.5);
    leftWristY = lerp(leftWristY, lwY, 0.5);
    rightWristX = lerp(rightWristX, rwX, 0.5);
    rightWristY = lerp(rightWristY, rwY, 0.5);

function drawKeypoints() {
  for (let i = 0; i < poses.length; i++) {
  let pose = poses[i].pose;
    for (let j = 0; j < pose.keypoints.length; j++) {
  let keypoint = pose.keypoints[j];
  if (noseX, noseY, leftShoulderX, leftShoulderY, rightShoulderX, rightShoulderY, leftElbowX, rightElbowX, leftWristX, leftWristY  > 0.4) {
  //image(video, 0, 0, width, height)
  //let d = dist(noseX, noseY, leftShoulderY, leftShoulderX);
  // blue
  fill(0, 0, 255);
  ellipse(noseX, noseY, 10);
  // red
  ellipse(leftShoulderX, leftShoulderY, 10);
  ellipse(rightShoulderX, rightShoulderY, 10);
  // red
  ellipse(leftElbowX, leftElbowY, 10);
  ellipse(rightElbowX, rightElbowY, 10);
  // green
  ellipse(leftWristX, leftWristY, 10);
  ellipse(rightWristX, rightWristY, 10);
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If you post your question to multiple sites, please link between those posts so we know what help you’ve already received.

This question has also been posted here:

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Ok, thanks for letting me know :slight_smile:

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What do you mean by this? Do you mean that you can modify poses[0], but cannot modify poses[1]?

The keypoints only track one person, when someone else appears on the video feed the code won’t generate a second set of keypoints. So it ends up shuffling between them.

I hope that was clear enough Jeremy :slight_smile:

Right – my question was, is posenet returning multiple poses at all? Does a second pose, poses[1], exist? If it does, then you can change your code to work with it – but that is the first question.

Next – when you say “work” for multiple figures – what do you want to do with each of them?

Not entirely sure how can I check if poseNet is returning multiple poses. I know there’s a version of the algorithm that works with single detection and one with multiple, but that’s as far as my knowledge goes, and the code :confused:

The “let nX = poses[0].pose.keypoints[0].position.x;” was taken from this tutorial.

I’m trying to assign a different color to each key point of every figure detected, for a design project. Later I want to make an Arduino send those points to a led panel. Really thanks for your time!!

having the same problem hit me up when u find smth

I confirm it’s possible to detect multiple people in the same pic/image.
Probably the option is max_pose_detections=10,

This example for me works

I am using the python version.

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Thank you for sharing this working example, @Achille009911, and pointing out the max_pose_detections argument.

Note that the original posenet stackoverflow thread linked above is since deleted and not in wayback machine – I’m just linking here to a releated search of all posenet questions for those still seeking answers for JavaScript: