Hello, I am really really new to Processing and working on this exercise I just wanted to make the lines disappear (from left to right) when the last lines reaches the right-end of the screen (endX > width). The final result should be a simple loop. I’m going trough the video tutorials but I haven’t find the solution yet and my mind’s blowing. Thanks.
But since you use background() at the start which is good,
ALL lines get erased 60 times per second.
So for your animation when the condition applies set a flag to true that you define before setup(): boolean flag=false; .
When it’s true, use a different while loop where you increase the start position of the lines so it appears as the lines would disappear. You just don’t draw the leftmost lines anymore.
Yes I’ll do of course. I got the general concept of your suggestion but I’m still missing some crucial points because I probably need to study more the false/true variable which is not totally clear to me at the moment. Seeing some examples where things disappear gradually and false/true is applied would help me a lot (I haven’t find any clues at the point of the tutorials I’ve seen so far). Thank you and get back to you soon.