How can I get this halftone effect on a folder containing images, and then export them to another folder?

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I have this code, but I just want it to be exported in halftone

PImage img;
int bsize = 3 ;
boolean offset = true;
import processing.pdf.*;
void setup() {
  println( brightness( color(255)));
  println( brightness( color(0)));
  img = loadImage("testpattern.jpg");
  size(500, 500);
  //tint(255, 170);
  image(img, 0, 0);
  beginRecord(PDF, "Halftonize export.pdf"); 
  for (int x=0; x < width; x+=bsize) {
    for (int y=0; y < height; y += bsize) {
      color c = getavg(x, y, bsize);
      float b = brightness(c);
      int r = 0;
      if ( b > 0   && b < 50) {
        r = bsize;
      if ( b > 50  && b < 90) {
        r = floor(bsize * .9);
      if ( b > 90  && b < 130) {
        r = floor(bsize * .8);
      if ( b > 130 && b < 190) {
        r = floor(bsize * .4);
      if ( b > 190 && b < 230) {
        r = floor(bsize * .2);
      if ( b > 230) {
        r = 1;
      if ( offset) {
        ellipse(x+bsize, y, r, r);
      else {
        ellipse(x, y, r, r);
      offset = ! offset;
color getavg(int x, int y, int blocksize) {
  float r =0;
  float g =0;
  float  b =0;
  int count=0;
  for (int xx=x; xx < x+ blocksize; xx++) {
    for (int yy=y; yy< y +blocksize; yy++) {
      r += red( img.get(xx, yy) );
      g += green( img.get(xx, yy));
      b += blue( img.get(xx, yy));
  return color( r/count, g/count, b/count);
void draw() {

and the halftone images I want them to resemble those in the image above