we had the question already the other way,
have a picture and store its pix / color info in HEX text to a file.
so if you have a HEX text file and want read that in processing
and construct a picture from it there is the need to know
what the values ( and the file structure ) mean?
the file has a structure with lines and ,
possibly that means nothing and can be ignored while reading?
-b- 6 char could be 3 byte numbers lets say of R G B value for one pix?
as ASCII text to bytes [255][216][255]
pix[0] = color( 255,216,255);
-c- but to make a picture from that would still need a additional information
what is the width of the picture in pix? like where the next line starts.
-d- you posted a picture with the dim. 320 * 240
-d1- is that the original you used to make the HEX text file from? and how you did that ?
-d2- is that the dim info you want use to reconstruct it?
-e- you see, if that is a coding / decoding question
that even without any encryption used,
it is already difficult without add information.