Help with P5.js and ML5.js

Hello Community :slight_smile:

I’ve been playing with p5.js and the new ml5.js machine learning library. I’m having an issue using a p5 image as an input for the ml5 style transfer function. Maybe someone can help me figure out how to get my code working.

I have modified some code that was in the ml5 examples.

HTML file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    img {
      width: 200px;
      height: 200px;
      display: inline;
    <h1>Style Transfer Image Example</h1>
    <p id="statusMsg">Loading Models...</p>
    <p>Input Image:</p>
    <img src="img/animal-chihuahua-cute-39317.jpg" alt="input img" id="inputImg">

    <div id="styleB">
      <!-- <img src="img/udnie.jpg" alt="style two"> -->

    <script src="sketch.js"></script>



let iwidth = 200;
let iheight = 200;
let cwidth = 2000;
let cheight = 2000;

let inputImg2;
let isPressed = false;
let nI;

const newImage2 = new Image(iwidth, iheight);

 // The image we want to transfer
let inputImg = document.getElementById('inputImg');
const statusMsg = document.getElementById('statusMsg'); // The status message
const styleB = document.getElementById('styleB'); // The div contrianer that holds new style image B

function preload() {

  inputImg2 = loadImage("img/animal-chihuahua-cute-39317.jpg");


function setup() {

  createCanvas(cwidth, cheight);



function draw() {
  if (isPressed) {


function transferImages() {

     .then(style2 => style2.transfer(inputImg2))
     .then(result => {
       newImage2.src = result.src;
       statusMsg.innerHTML = 'Done!';
       nI = loadImage(newImage2.src);

  //  ml5.styleTransfer('models/udnie')
  //    .then(style2 => style2.transfer(inputImg))
  //    .then(result => {
  //      newImage2.src = result.src;
  //     statusMsg.innerHTML = 'Done!';
  //      nI = loadImage(newImage2.src);
  //    });


function mousePressed() {
  if (!isPressed) {

    isPressed = true;
  } else {


Thanks in advance! Let me know if I need to rephrase or clarify my post.

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If any one is checking. I was able to get a solution that worked for me:

inputImage3 = createImg(inputImg2.canvas.toDataURL());

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