Hi everyone. I am new to coding.
This “effect” is almost done in terms of the overall look, but I can’t understand how to smooth out the pixelated lines (examples below).
There’s a difference between P2D/P3D, but it’s not enough. pixelDensity() got me to a better place, but the lines are still broken as you’ll see.
I am aware that this might not be the best way to produce this effect – I am open to learning other ways if necessary.
Here is the code:
import processing.video.*;
import processing.video.Movie;
Movie myMovie;
int cellSize = 1;
int cols, rows;
void setup() {
size(1280, 720, P3D);
cols = width / cellSize;
rows = height / cellSize;
colorMode(RGB, 255, 255, 255, 255);
myMovie = new Movie(this, "movie.mp4");
void draw() {
if (myMovie.available()) {
// Begin loop for columns
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
// Begin loop for rows
for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
// Where are we, pixel-wise?
int x = i*cellSize;
int y = j*cellSize;
int loc = (myMovie.width - x - 1) + y*myMovie.width; // Reversing x to mirror the image
float r, g, b;
r = red(myMovie.pixels[loc]);
g = green(myMovie.pixels[loc]);
b = blue(myMovie.pixels[loc]);
// Make a new color with an alpha component
float adjustBrightness = 1;
r *= adjustBrightness;
g *= adjustBrightness;
b *= adjustBrightness;
r = constrain(r, 0, 255);
g = constrain(g, 0, 255);
b = constrain(b, 0, 255);
color NewCol = color(r, g, b);
pixels[loc] = NewCol;
// Code for drawing a single rect
// Using translate in order for rotation to work properly
translate(x+cellSize/2, y+cellSize/2);
// Rotation formula based on brightness
rotate((2 * PI * brightness(NewCol) / 255.0));
rect(0, 0, pmouseX, pmouseY);