The relevant portion of code that creates the arcs using Bezier curves is
//function drawArc draw arrows with parameters :
//e1 : the outgoing state ; e2 : the incoming state ; a : the number of the automata
//k : the number of the arrow of this automata ; num_arc : the number of the arrow in total (to allow the displacement)
//coordonnees : array containing the coordinates of each arrow ; first : boolean that indicates if it's the first time arrows are
//drawn (to create divs if it the case)
function drawArc(e1,e2,a,k,num_arc, coordonnees, first){
var x = 155+(a-1)*230,
y= 140+(4-e1)*50-(e2-e1)*25,
h = 2+(e2-e1)*50, x1, x2, x3, x4,y1, y2, y3, y4;
if (first){
first = false;
if (k%2==0){
if (e2<e1){
coordonnees[num_arc][0] = x-30+50*((k+1)/2)+(e1-e2-1)*15;
coordonnees[num_arc][1] = y;
else {
coordonnees[num_arc][0] = x-30-50*((k+1)/2)-(e1-e2-1)*15;
coordonnees[num_arc][1] = y;
else {
if (e2>=e1){
coordonnees[num_arc][0] = x+50*((k+1)/2)+(e2-e1-1)*15;
coordonnees[num_arc][1] = y ;
else {
coordonnees[num_arc][0] = x-55-50*(k+1)/2-(e2-e1-1)*15+30;
coordonnees[num_arc][1] = y ;
var arc_div = document.createElement('div');
arc_div.className = "arc"; = num_arc;
arc_div.onmousedown = function(evt) {
dragged = true;
xi = num_arc; xj = 0;
yi = num_arc; yj = 1;
if (k%2==0){
if (e2<e1){
x1 = x4 = x;
y1 = y+26+(e1-e2-1)*25;
y4 = y-26-(e1-e2-1)*25;
line(x,y-h/2, x+8,y-h/2-8);
line(x,y-h/2, x+8,y-h/2+8);
bezier(x1, y1, coordonnees[num_arc][0], coordonnees[num_arc][1]+(e1-e2-1)*25+20, coordonnees[num_arc][0], coordonnees[num_arc][1]-(e1-e2-1)*25-20, x4, y4);
xx = bezierPoint(x1, coordonnees[num_arc][0], coordonnees[num_arc][0], x4, 1/2);
yy = bezierPoint(y1, coordonnees[num_arc][1]+(e1-e2-1)*25+20, coordonnees[num_arc][1]-(e1-e2-1)*25-20, y4, 1/2);
else {
x1 = x4 = x-30;
y1 = y+24+(e2-e1-1)*25;
y4 = y-26-(e2-e1-1)*25;
line(x-38,y-h/2-9, x-30,y-h/2-1);
line(x-38,y-h/2+7, x-30,y-h/2-1);
bezier(x1, y1, coordonnees[num_arc][0]-30, coordonnees[num_arc][1]+(e2-e1-1)*25+20, coordonnees[num_arc][0]-30,coordonnees[num_arc][1]-(e2-e1-1)*25-20, x4, y4);
xx = bezierPoint(x1, coordonnees[num_arc][0]-30, coordonnees[num_arc][0]-30, x4, 1/2);
yy = bezierPoint(y1, coordonnees[num_arc][1]+(e2-e1-1)*25+20, coordonnees[num_arc][1]-(e2-e1-1)*25-20, y4, 1/2);
else {
if (e2>=e1){
x1 = x4 = x;
y1 = y+26+(e2-e1-1)*25;
y4 = y-26-(e2-e1-1)*25;
line(x,y-h/2, x+8,y-h/2-8);
line(x,y-h/2, x+8,y-h/2+8);
bezier(x1, y1, coordonnees[num_arc][0], coordonnees[num_arc][1]+(e2-e1-1)*25+20, coordonnees[num_arc][0], coordonnees[num_arc][1]-(e2-e1-1)*25-20, x4, y4);
xx = bezierPoint(x1, coordonnees[num_arc][0], coordonnees[num_arc][0], x4, 1/2);
yy = bezierPoint(y1, coordonnees[num_arc][1]+(e2-e1-1)*25+20, coordonnees[num_arc][1]-(e2-e1-1)*25-20, y4, 1/2);
else {
x1 = x4 = x-30;
x2 = x3 = x-55-50*(k+1)/2-(e2-e1-1)*15;
y1 = y+24+(e1-e2-1)*25;
y4 = y-26-(e1-e2-1)*25;
line(x-38,y-h/2-9, x-30,y-h/2-1);
line(x-38,y-h/2+7, x-30,y-h/2-1);
bezier(x1, y1, coordonnees[num_arc][0]-30, coordonnees[num_arc][1]+(e1-e2-1)*25+20, coordonnees[num_arc][0]-30,coordonnees[num_arc][1]-(e1-e2-1)*25-20, x4, y4);
xx = bezierPoint(x1, coordonnees[num_arc][0]-30, coordonnees[num_arc][0]-30, x4, 1/2);
yy = bezierPoint(y1, coordonnees[num_arc][1]+(e1-e2-1)*25+20, coordonnees[num_arc][1]-(e1-e2-1)*25-20, y4, 1/2);
divs[num_arc] = yy + "px";
divs[num_arc].style.left = xx + "px";
ellipse(xx, yy, 5,5);
The function that displays the text is
function afficheTrans(texte, e1, e2, a, k){
var x = 155+(a-1)*230;
var y= 140+(4-e1)*50-(e2-e1)*25;
var h = 2+(e2-e1)*50;
if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, x+8,y-h/2-8) < 50) {
fill(255, 0, 0); //rouge
text(texte,x+(e2-e1)*50, y);
Thanks a lot!