Guidance on using LiquidFunProcessing library

Hi, I’m creating a simple display in Processing for my research project that requires a 2D fluid simulation, so I’ve been trying to use LiquidFunProcessing. I’ve managed to create the basic concept, but I need to do some further refinement and add some features that I’m really struggling with.

The library author’s website ( is offline and I haven’t found any other way to contact him. I’m looking for someone with a bit of familiarity with the LiquidFun library and/or the jBox2D library to help me through some of my struggles. My hope is that once I see how to tackle one problem, I should be able to figure out the others on my own.

Thanks a bunch!

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still there is and

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Be wary there is an issue with GLSL rendering post processing 3.3.7 I have created examples of DIWI libraries in JRubyArt that misbehave with the latest processing, and work if I revert to processing 3.3.7 versions of PGL, PShader and PGraphicsOpenGL. Using latest versions of processing the rendering of the boundary does not match the movement of the fluid in the Liquid Fun Wave Machine Example. Boundary rotates at crazy mad speed enclosed liquid rotates somewhat more sedately.

As it should look:-

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Sorry, was away for a few days unable to respond…
Yes, I’ve been using all the resources I can find, including these you link and the library references, but I still have several unanswered questions.
For example, I want to destroy particles that reach a specific region of the screen and spawn particles to the group to retain a consistent total particle count.
I also have been trying to achieve a uniform particle color instead of a gradient based on compression and can’t figure out how.
Any guidance on these issues would be greatly appreciated.

Yes, I noticed this as well. I don’t need moving bodies in my project, only static bodies and particles, so I seem to be able to get away with ignoring this issue.