Hi everyone, I need to do a school project and I want to build a fractal tree that progressively “grows” using the mouse. how can I do it? this is the code I built:
void setup()
int levelsMin = 0;
int levelsMax = 6;
float initialLength = 235;
float angleMin = PI/17;
float angleMax = PI/10;
int pointColor = color(27, c1, 9);
int c1=
void draw() {
stroke(88, c1, 0);
float currentAngle = map (mouseX, 0, width, angleMin, angleMax); //mouse control of the branch angle
int currentLevels = (int)map (mouseY, height,0, levelsMin, levelsMax); //mouse control of the generations count
pushMatrix(); //save the world transformation matrix
translate (width/2, height); //move the origin to the middle / bottom
albero (currentLevels, initialLength, currentAngle); //draw first two branches - stems
popMatrix(); //return to the world coordinate system
void albero (int levels, float length, float angle){
if (levels>0){ //check if there are any levels left to render
pushMatrix(); //save current transformation matrix
rotate (angle); //rotate new matrix to make it point to the right
line (0,0,0,-length); //draw line "upwards"
pushMatrix(); //save current (e.g. new) matrix
translate(0,-length); //move the origin to the branch end
scale (0.85f); //scale down. fun fact - it scales down also the stroke weight!
albero (levels-1, length, angle); //call the recursive function again
popMatrix(); //return to the matrix of the current line
popMatrix(); //return to the original matrix
//second branch - the same story
rotate (-angle/1.7);
line (0,0,0,-length);
scale (0.85f);
albero (levels-1, length, angle);