Group SVG loaded shape


i’m playing with drawn letters in svg, and put together to build words.
Something to make poster drawn by an axidraw
I would like to group letters to manipulate group easily. (center word in the screen, etc, etc)

I have a PShape Array with all my svg drawing (file) (my letters) and put (words) in the sketch with a shape(file[index],letterX,letterY, file[index].width/5, file[index].height/5);

letterX = initX;
  letterY = initY;
  if (words!="") {
    for (int i=0; i<words.length();i++) {
      int index = int(words.charAt(i));
      shape(file[index],letterX,letterY, file[index].width/5, file[index].height/5);
      if (int(words.charAt(i)) == 10) {
        letterX = 0;
        letterY += file[index].height/5;
      } else {
        letterX += (file[index].width-100)/5;

i’m not sure to undestand how to group these shapes together!
i can’t do word.addChild(shape(xxxx));

any help please?

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While of course this would work, it would be a great deal more convenient if you could group the head and body into one PShape. With a PShape “GROUP”, you can.

// Make the parent shape
PShape alien = createShape(GROUP);

// Make two shapes
PShape head = createShape(ELLIPSE, 0, 0, 50, 50);
PShape body = createShape(RECT, 0, 50, 50, 100);

// Add the two "child" shapes to the parent group

// Draw the group
translate(width/2, height/2);

For a full example that demonstrates a PShape that groups together a primitive shape, custom polygon, and path, see “GroupPShape” (under File → Examples → Topics → Create Shapes).

from PShape /


Hello @mrbbp,

This topic may be of interest:


yes i read the GROUP example.
but it use createShape(primitive, x,y,w,h);
there is no example with a loaded svg.

therefor i tried

  letterX = initX;
  letterY = initY;
  if (words!="") {
    // create the lines (ther is certainly a betterway, nevermind)
    ligne[0] = createShape(GROUP);
    ligne[1] = createShape(GROUP);
    ligne[2] = createShape(GROUP);
    // for each letter of the string
    for (int i=0; i<words.length();i++) {
      int index = int(words.charAt(i));
      // create a group
      PShape lettre = createShape(GROUP);
      // add the svg to the group
      lettre.setName("lettre"+index); // it doesn't give a name to the group
      // translate the letter next the last one
      ligne[li].addChild(lettre); // add the child
      // adjust next letter position
      if (int(words.charAt(i)) == 10) {
        shape(ligne[li], 0,0);
        letterX = 0;
        letterY += file[index].height;
      } else {
        letterX += (file[index].width-100);
    // scale all letters 
    // add the shape to the display ?
    shape(ligne[li], 0,0);

in fact this code do the same svg structure as the first one. Each letter is in a group, but there is no group for a line (at least one group of group (letter)) as i expected with the code.

Also, i name the group, setName("letter"+index) (in javaDoc), but i do not understand what it is supposed to do ! there is no name attribute in the svg exported structure file.

Do i lost my time to attempt to produce a useless structure. in fact i don’t know if Processing is able to determine the size (width and height) of a group. if it don’t, i just have to calculate myself and store the size to center the line.

any answer or a begin?

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setName() give a name to the group but does not export to svg → what for?
getWidth() does not sendback a width of the group even after shape() (add to the “displaylist”).

    if (int(words.charAt(i)) == 10) {
        shape(ligne[li], 0,0);
        println("largeur ligne:"+ligne[li].getWidth());


Maybe just use a transparent PGraphics, then you have one PGraphics per word

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