If the RGB value is 148, 150, 148, then Green has a higher value than the others. This might cause this behaviour. Did you try just using 148 in all?
Also, please add some code, so that we can examine and find the problem and a solution to your problem. Else we can only guess.
If the RGB value is 148, 150, 148, then Green has a higher value than the others. This might cause this behaviour
Sorry, I must have been unclear: 148 150 148 is the value picked from the emulator screen, i.e. the unexpectedly tinted result. My tablet has the same effect, somewhat poor colors, so it’s not an emulator issue.
The Windows version, build from the same source code (obviosuly with minor conditional OS-specific code, such as different display density), produces pure greys. Here they run next to each other, left Windows. As you can see, the greys are slightly off under Android:
Oh, ok…still, some kind of code would be good… At least the lines where the color is used. Else we can’t do much more than guess
As far as i can tell, that might be either an error in the code (in the os-specific parts) or an intentional behaviour. Maybe grey doesn’t display good on most monitors, or tends toward seeming more red and blue, so they added a modifier for Android, though i doubt that would be the case…
Still, need code to say something specific…
Also, i might be wrong, but is it possible that all colors are slightly greenish? Maybe there is an almost invisible greenish overlay on top of the emulator…