Give sound to AI paths


I provided a very short list of initial thoughts… this certainly has me thinking about it!

A good place to start:

Click here for resources

I encourage you to look at the resources available here:


  • The Processing website has references , examples , tutorials , etc.

  • The Processing PDE (IDE) has lots to offer!
    An exploration of the menu items will reveal what is available!
    You will find libraries , tools , examples and more!
    For example:


There is always a way…

Scan these symbols

Extract an individual PImage for each symbol from your picture.
Use a camera with the video library and extract a PImage.

Go along/ follow their paths

If you want to follow the curve on a picture this is one very simple example:

I shared the above to illustrate that it can be done.

There may be libraries that are useful: This came to mind… it is a maybe.
I am sure there are others!

A result give them sound

There are a few sound libraries to use. Seek them out.

Another reference:

Check out the libraries:

I did write some code to extract the individual symbols for later Processing:

I provided the simplest example; the picture shows the images “shuffled” in some more advanced code I wrote.

Click here to see code
PImage symbol [];  // Array of individual symbols
PImage symbols;    // Pimage of all symbols
IntList num;       // Array to shuffle

int xsp;
int ysp;

void setup() 
  size(700, 500);
  symbols = loadImage("symbols.jpg");
  println(symbols.width, symbols.height);
  symbol = new PImage[20];

  xsp = 127;
  ysp = 108;
// Creates PImage array
  for(int y = 0; y<4; y++)
    for(int x = 0; x<5; x++)
      int n = x+y*5;
      println(x, y, n); 
      symbol[n] = symbols.get(x*xsp+25, y*ysp+25, xsp, ysp);

 //Displays PImage array
  for(int y = 0; y<4; y++)
    for(int x = 0; x<5; x++)
      int n = x+y*5;
      println(x, y, n); 
      image(symbol[19-n], x*(xsp+5)+20, y*(ysp+5)+20);

Also thinking about what can be done with an SVG… :)

I can’t comment on the AI part…


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