i try to create a programm in Java which sends geolocation( longitude, latitude) from Android to PC via oscP5 library. Based on AccelerometerData example i made this code but my problem is that when i run the code in Java Mode on PC and then pushing a button on my phone’s App to send my longitude and my latitude, they appeared in the Console down pn the window of the Programm…My target is to make them appeared in the interface Window of Java Mode after i run it…Just the example…
This is the code in Java mode that i run in the PC…I 've got the outpout in the console but not in the interface window that appears after i run the code…
i use negative numbers because the text did not show up in the interface for a reason…Anyway now it appears in the window display after i run the code but with zero values in the longtitude,latitude and altitude but i dont know why. In my andoid app they are appeared correct but in the PC (Java mode) it gets zero values.