Generative Mountains

color cClouds,  cFade, cFurther, cCloser, cMist;

void setup()
  size(800, 600);
  //define the colors
  colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100); 
  cClouds = color(330, 25, 100);  //light rose for the clouds
  cFade = color(220, 50, 50); // purplish saturated medium blue for the fade of the sky
  cFurther = color(230, 25, 90);  //purplish unsaturated light bluse for the further mountains
  cCloser = color(210, 70, 10);  //greeny saturated dark blue for the closer mountains
  cMist = color(360); //white for the mist


void draw()
  background(230, 25, 90);
//  fade(cFade);
  mountains(cCloser, cFurther, cMist);  


void mousePressed()


void keyPressed()  //save the framme when we press the letter s
  if (key == 's' || key =='S')


void fade(color fadeColor)
  for(int i = 0; i < height/3; i++) 
    float alfa = map(i, 0, height/3, 360, 0);
    stroke(fadeColor, alfa);
    line(0, i, width, i);


void clouds(color cloudColor)
  float begin = random(50); //changes the begin of noise each time
  float i = 0; 
  for(int x = 0; x < width; x += 2)
    float j = 0; 
    for(int y = 0; y < height/3; y += 2)
      float alfaMax = map(y, 0, height/4, 520, 0);  //the clouds become transparent as they become near to the mountains   
      float alfa = noise(begin + i, begin + j);
      alfa = map(alfa, 0.4, 1, 0, alfaMax);
      fill(cloudColor, alfa);
      ellipse(x, y, 2, 2);
      j += 0.06; //increase j faster than i so the clouds look horizontal
    i += 0.01;


void mountains(color closerColor, color furtherColor, color mistColor)
  float y0 = width - 500;  //fist reference y
  int i0 = 30;  //initial interval
  float[] cy = new float[10]; //initialize the reference y array
  for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
    cy[9-j] = y0;
    y0 -= i0 / pow(1.2, j);
  float dx = 0;
  for (int j = 1; j <  10; j++)
    float a = random(-width/2, width/2);  //random discrepancy between the sin waves
    float b = random(-width/2, width/2);  //random discrepancy between the sin waves  
    float c = random(2, 4);  //random amplitude for the second sin wave
    float d = random(40, 50);  //noise function amplitude
    float e = random(-width/2, width/2);  //adds a discrepancy between the noise of each mountain
    for (int x = 0; x < width; x ++)
      float y = cy[j]; //y = reference y 
      y += 10*j*sin(2*dx/j + a);  //first sin wave oscillates according to j (the closer the mountain, the bigger the amplitude and smaller the frequency)        
      y += c*j*sin(5*dx/j + b);   //second sin wave has a random medium amplitude (affects more the further mountains) and bigger frequenc  
      y += d*j*noise(1.2*dx/j +e);  //first noise function adds randomness to the mountains, amplitude depends on a random number and increases with j, frequency decrases with j
      y += 1.7*j*noise(10*dx);  //second noise function simulates the canopy, it has high frequency and small amplitude depending on j so it is smoother on the further mountains
      strokeWeight(2);  //mountains look smoother with stroke weight of 2
      stroke(lerpColor(furtherColor, closerColor, j/2));
     line(x, y, x, height); 
      dx += 0.02;
    //ADD MIST 
    for (int i =  height; i > cy[j]; i -= 3)
      float alfa = map(i, cy[j], height, 0, 360/(j+1));  //alfa is begins bigger for the further mountains      
      strokeWeight(3);  //interval of 3 for faster rendering
      stroke(mistColor, alfa);     
      line(0, i, width, i);