Hey everyone! My code below is functional when applied to one image for this self contained particle system. I am wondering how I can transition to different images similarly to this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT7We17o4zU
I am trying to make generative art for my website and would love some assistance.
PImage img;
float frequency = 0.01;
float noiseInterval = PI;
void setup() {
size (475, 597);
img = loadImage("Capture.PNG");
void draw() {
for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) {
float x = map(noise(i*noiseInterval + frameCount * frequency),0,1,0,width);
float y = map(noise(i*noiseInterval+1 + frameCount * frequency),0,0.75,0,height);
color c = img.get(int(x), int(y));
fill(c, 12);
ellipse(int(x), int(y), 5, 5);
Check out some of the books below.
The “Generative Design” books are an inspiration.
There are many ways to capture and share creative works.
Sharing a few examples with the community here:
Animated GIFs:
Movie Maker:
I use this to capture and then use as I wish.
I had a few sketches that were to slow in real time and I just capture frames for that and rendered overnight; just like they do for the movies!
Screen Capture:
There are numerous apps for this; I happen to have this one.
An example I did years ago: