Generating terrain with hydraulic erosion


After watching that video:

And reading that paper:

I decided to take a go at generated terrain using hydraulic erosion.

The code below definitively gives some results although they are not completely as expected.
Here some before/after pictures:

To play with the code, just hit play, zoom a bit with the middle mouse button to see the terrain and hit space to erode the terrain a bit.

import peasy.*;

PeasyCam cam;
PRNG prng;
float terrainHeights[][];
PShape terrain;  
ErosionSystem es;

final float scaleFactorXY = 0.1;
final float scaleFactorZ = 50;
final int nbOfX = 512;
final int nbOfY = 512;
//final float xOffset = scaleFactorXY * nbOfX / 2.;
//final float yOffset = scaleFactorXY * nbOfY / 2.;

final float xOffset = 0;
final float yOffset = 0;

void settings() {
  size(1000, 1000, P3D);

void setup() {
  cam = new PeasyCam(this, 400);
  perspective(PI/3.0, width/height, 0.1, 200);

  es = new ErosionSystem();
  prng = new PRNG();
  terrainHeights = new float[nbOfX][nbOfY];

  float noiseScale = 0.004;
  for (int x = 0; x < nbOfX; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < nbOfY; y++) {
      terrainHeights[x][y] = prng.mixPerlin(noiseScale * x, noiseScale * y, 8, 2, 0.4);


void draw() {

  for (int x = 0; x < nbOfX - 1; x++) {


    for (int y = 0; y < nbOfY - 1; y++) {
      vertex((scaleFactorXY * x) - xOffset, (scaleFactorXY * y) - yOffset, scaleFactorZ * terrainHeights[x][y]);
      vertex((scaleFactorXY * (x+1)) - xOffset, (scaleFactorXY * y) - yOffset, scaleFactorZ * terrainHeights[x+1][y]);


  //es.showDrops(scaleFactorXY, scaleFactorZ);

void keyPressed() {
  if (key == ' ') {
    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
      es.erode(terrainHeights, 100000);
    println("Done eroding");

void createTerrainShape() {
  terrain = createShape();
  for (int x = 0; x < nbOfX - 1; x++) {


    for (int y = 0; y < nbOfY - 1; y++) {
      terrain.vertex((scaleFactorXY * x) - xOffset, (scaleFactorXY * y) - yOffset, scaleFactorZ * terrainHeights[x][y]);
      terrain.vertex((scaleFactorXY * (x+1)) - xOffset, (scaleFactorXY * y) - yOffset, scaleFactorZ * terrainHeights[x+1][y]);
      terrain.vertex((scaleFactorXY * x) - xOffset, (scaleFactorXY * (y + 1)) - yOffset, scaleFactorZ * terrainHeights[x][y+1]);

      terrain.vertex((scaleFactorXY * x) - xOffset, (scaleFactorXY * (y + 1)) - yOffset, scaleFactorZ * terrainHeights[x][y+1]);
      terrain.vertex((scaleFactorXY * (x+1)) - xOffset, (scaleFactorXY * y) - yOffset, scaleFactorZ * terrainHeights[x+1][y]);
      terrain.vertex((scaleFactorXY * (x+1)) - xOffset, (scaleFactorXY * (y + 1)) - yOffset, scaleFactorZ * terrainHeights[x+1][y+1]);


  println("Done creating terrain");

class ErosionSystem {
  private float initialDropSpeed;
  private float initialDropWaterVolume;
  private PRNG prng;
  private long prngSeed;
  private float dropsInertia;             // Resistance to change direction - 0: no resistance; 1: full resistance
  private int maxDropStep;
  private float erosionRadius;
  private float gravity;                  // Affect the speed of the drops
  private float evaporationFactor;        // Affect the speed of evaporation (1: full evaporation  -  2: no evaporation)                                                                 ----    TO DO: Change that factor based on the map localisation  
  private float depositFactor;            // The percentage of sediment dropped when the max sediment capacity is reached                                                                ----    TO DO: Change that factor based on the map localisation  
  private float erosionFactor;            // The percentage of sediment taken when the sediment quantity of the drop is lower than the max sediment capacity                             ----    TO DO: Change that factor based on the map localisation  
  private float sedimentCapacityFactor;   // Influence the sediment capacity of a drop. The higher the value the higher the drop will be able to carry sediment in the same condition    ----    TO DO: Change that factor based on the map localisation  
  private ArrayList<DropPath> dp;         // Used for debuging: Draw the path of the drops.
  private boolean debugMode;

   * Basic constructor
  ErosionSystem() {
    prng = new PRNG();

   * Constructor with seed to get predictable results
  ErosionSystem(long seed) {
    prng = new PRNG(seed);

   * Initialize all the variables
  void init() {
    dp = new  ArrayList<DropPath>();
    debugMode = false;
    prngSeed = prng.getInitSeed();
    dropsInertia = 0.2;
    maxDropStep = 30;
    initialDropSpeed = 1.;
    initialDropWaterVolume = 1.;
    erosionRadius = 6;
    gravity = 4.;
    evaporationFactor = 0.01;
    depositFactor = 0.7;
    erosionFactor = 0.4;
    sedimentCapacityFactor = 4;

   * This method is used to modify and shape an existing 3D terrain  by simulating the erosion of rain
   * It works directly on the given data to avoid useless copy of huge map
   * @param  mapToErode      A 2D float matrices containing he height of all the vertices of the terrain
   * @param  nbOfIteration   The number of drops to simulate
  void erode(float[][] mapToErode, int nbOfIteration) {
    int maxSizeX = mapToErode.length;
    int maxSizeY = mapToErode[0].length;
    int nbOfSimulatedSteps = 0;

    for (int k = 0; k < nbOfIteration; k++) {
      if (debugMode) {
        dp.add(new DropPath());

      // Create a new drop at a random position
      Drop drop = new Drop(prng.random(0, maxSizeX - 2), prng.random(0, maxSizeY - 2), initialDropSpeed, initialDropWaterVolume);

      while (true) { // The exit conditions will be taken care of with break instructions
        // Get the height and gradients of the drop
        DropInfo dropInfo = getDropInfo(mapToErode, drop);
        if (debugMode) {
          dp.get(dp.size() - 1).add(dropInfo.x, dropInfo.y, dropInfo.h);

        // Change the direction of the drop based on the gradients
        PVector newDir = new PVector(dropInfo.gradX, dropInfo.gradY);

        // Check if the drop is still in the map and if not stop the simulation
        if (dropIsOutOfBound(mapToErode.length, mapToErode[0].length, drop)) {

        // Get the new height and gradients of the drop
        DropInfo newDropInfo = getDropInfo(mapToErode, drop);

        // Get Height difference between the old position and the new position
        // Negative value means current position is lower than old position
        float heightDiff = newDropInfo.h - dropInfo.h;

        // Update the sedimenet capcity of the drop
        drop.updateMaxSedimentCapacity(heightDiff, sedimentCapacityFactor);

        // Get the amount of sediment to erode or deposit
        float sedimentAmount = drop.updateSedimentQty(heightDiff, depositFactor, erosionFactor);

        if (sedimentAmount > 0) { // Sediment is deposited
          int i = dropInfo.i;
          int j = dropInfo.j;
          float u = dropInfo.u;
          float v = dropInfo.v;

          mapToErode[i    ][j    ] += (1 - u) * (1 - v) * sedimentAmount;
          mapToErode[i + 1][j    ] += (u    ) * (1 - v) * sedimentAmount;
          mapToErode[i    ][j + 1] += (1 - u) * (v    ) * sedimentAmount;
          mapToErode[i + 1][j + 1] += (u    ) * (v    ) * sedimentAmount;
        } else {                  // Sediment is taken
          erode(mapToErode, dropInfo.x, dropInfo.y, sedimentAmount, erosionRadius);

        drop.updateSpeed(heightDiff, gravity);

        // Check if we don't go over the maximum number of steps allowed
        if (nbOfSimulatedSteps >= maxDropStep) {

   * Erode the map around a drop position. The effect of the erosion decrease linearly with the distance from the center
   * @param  mapToErode      A 2D float matrices containing he height of all the vertices of the terrain
   * @param  fromX           The x position of the drop (the center of erosion)
   * @param  fromY           The y position of the drop (the center of erosion)
   * @param  amount          The amount of sediment to take from the map
   * @param  radius          The radius around the drop position affected by the erosion
  private void erode(float[][] mapToErode, float fromX, float fromY, float amount, float radius) {
    final int offset = ceil(radius);
    final int maxNbOfVerticesToCheck = (2 * offset + 1) * (2 * offset + 1);
    final float radiusSquare = radius * radius;

    // The following arrays will contain 
    //   - vertexCoordinate: the valid coordinates of the effected vertices
    //   - vertexWeight:     The weights of the affected vertices
    // Since some values can be negative (because the brush is on the side of the map) that array might not be used entirely
    // The realVertexNb variable keep track of how much of the vertices is actually concerned and thus how deep in the previous arrays we need to go
    int vertexCoordinate[][] = new int[maxNbOfVerticesToCheck][2];
    float vertexWeight[] = new float[maxNbOfVerticesToCheck];
    int realVertexNb = 0;
    float totalWeight = 0; // Use to normalize the values

    // Get top left grid node coordinate
    int i = (int) fromX;
    int j = (int) fromY;

    for (int x = i - offset; x <= i + offset; x++) {
      for (int y = j - offset; y <= j + offset; y++) {
        if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < mapToErode.length && y < mapToErode[0].length) { // If the coordinates are valid
          float w = radiusSquare - ( (x - fromX) * (x - fromX) + (y - fromY) * (y - fromY) );

          if (w > 0) { // If the point is within the radius
            vertexCoordinate[realVertexNb][0] = x;
            vertexCoordinate[realVertexNb][1] = y;
            vertexWeight[realVertexNb] = w;
            totalWeight += vertexWeight[realVertexNb];

    for (int k = 0; k < realVertexNb; k++) {
      int gridX = vertexCoordinate[k][0];
      int gridY = vertexCoordinate[k][1];
      float w = vertexWeight[k];
      mapToErode[gridX][gridY] += amount * (w / totalWeight);

   * Check if a drop is outside of the map
   * @param   sizeX   the x dimension of the map
   * @param   sizeY   the y dimension of the map
   * @param   drop    the drop to check
   * @Return  true if the drop is outside of the terrain, false otherwise
  private boolean dropIsOutOfBound(float sizeX, float sizeY, Drop drop) {
    float x = drop.getPos().x;
    float y = drop.getPos().y;

    return (x < 0 || y <0 || x > sizeX - 2 || y > sizeY - 2);

   * Change the inertia value of the drop
   * The Drop object is making sure that the value is within the correct range [0,1]
  void setInertia(float value) {
    dropsInertia = value;

   * Change the maximum of step a drop can do before not beeing simulated anymore
   * Any value less than 1 will still result in at least one simulated step
  void setMaxDropStep(int value) {
    maxDropStep = value;

   * Change the initial speed of a drop
   * Make sure it is in the range [0,infinity[
  void setInitialDropSpeed(float value) {
    if (value < 0) {
      initialDropSpeed = 0;
    initialDropSpeed = value;

   * Change the initial water volume of a drop
   * Make sure it is in the range [0,infinity[
  void setInitialDropWaterVolume(float value) {
    if (value < 0) {
      initialDropWaterVolume = 0;
    initialDropWaterVolume = value;

   * Change the initial water volume of a drop
   * Make sure it is in the range [1,infinity[
  void setErosionRadius(float value) {
    if (value < 1) {
      erosionRadius = 1;
    erosionRadius = value;

   * Change the gravity of the system
   * Make sure it is in the range [0,infinity[
  void setGravity(float value) {
    if (value < 0) {
      gravity = 0;
    gravity = value;

   * Change the evaporation factor of the system
   * Make sure it is in the range [0,1]
  void setEvaporationFactor(float value) {
    if (value < 0) {
      evaporationFactor = 0;
    if (value > 1) {
      evaporationFactor = 1;
    evaporationFactor = value;

   * Change the deposit factor of a drop
   * Make sure that the value is in range [0,1]
  void setDepositFactor(float value) {
    if (value < 0) {
      depositFactor = 0;

    depositFactor = value;

   * Change the erosion factor of a drop
   * Make sure that the value is in range [0,1]
  void setErosionFactor(float value) {
    if (value < 0) {
      depositFactor = 0;

    depositFactor = value;

   * Change the sediment capacity factor of a drop
   * Make sure that the value is in range [0,infinity[
  void setSedimentCapacityFactor(float value) {
    if (value < 0) {
      sedimentCapacityFactor = 0;

    sedimentCapacityFactor = value;

   * Display the drops as sphere
   * @Param  scaleXY  The scale to apply to the x and y axis
   * @Param scaleZ    The scale to apply to the z axis
  void showDrops(float scaleXY, float scaleZ) {
    for (int i = 0; i < dp.size(); i++) {
      dp.get(i).show(scaleXY, scaleZ);

   * When debugMode is true the drops are saved
   * @Param  value   True to activate debugMode, false otherwise
  void setDebug(boolean value) {
    debugMode = value;

class Drop {
  private PVector pos;
  private PVector dir;
  private float inertia;
  private float sedimentQty;
  private float maxSedimentCapacity;
  private float minSedimentCapacity;
  private float speed;
  private float waterVolume;

  Drop(float x, float y, float initialSpeed, float initialWaterVolume) {
    pos = new PVector(x, y);
    dir = new PVector(1, 0);
    inertia = 0.5;
    sedimentQty = 0;
    maxSedimentCapacity = 1.;
    minSedimentCapacity = 0.01;
    speed = initialSpeed;
    waterVolume = initialWaterVolume;

   * Modify the direction of the drop based on a new target direction
   * @Param   newDir  a unit vector that points toward the desired direction
  private void changeDir(final PVector newDir) {
    dir = dir.mult(inertia).add(newDir.mult(1 - inertia)).normalize();

   * Modify the position of the drop based on a new target direction
   * @Param   newDir  a unit vector that points toward the desired direction
  void move(final PVector newDir) {

   * Update the max sediment capacity of the drop based on the height difference between its old position and its new position
   * @Param   heightDiff  The height difference between its old position and its new position
  void updateMaxSedimentCapacity(float heightDiff, float sedimentCapacityFactor) {
    maxSedimentCapacity =  - heightDiff * speed * waterVolume * sedimentCapacityFactor;

    if (maxSedimentCapacity < minSedimentCapacity) {
      maxSedimentCapacity = minSedimentCapacity;

   * Update the sediment quantity of the drop
   * It wil deposit or take sediment depending on the situation
   * @Param   heightDiff  The height difference between its old position and its new position
   * Return   The amount of sediment to take or deposit (return a negative value when sediment is taken and a positive value when sediment is dropped)
  float updateSedimentQty(float heightDiff, float depositFactor, float erosionFactor) {
    float sedimentAmount = 0; // Positive if sediment is taken from the terrain, negative if sediment is deposited 

    if (sedimentQty > maxSedimentCapacity || heightDiff > 0) { // Depositon
      if (heightDiff > 0) {
        sedimentAmount = -min(sedimentQty, heightDiff);
      } else {
        sedimentAmount = -(sedimentQty - maxSedimentCapacity) * depositFactor;
    } else {                                                   // Erosion
      sedimentAmount = min((maxSedimentCapacity - sedimentQty) * erosionFactor, -heightDiff);

    sedimentQty += sedimentAmount;
    return -sedimentAmount;

   * Update the speed of the drop
   * @Param   heightDiff  The height difference between its old position and its new position
   * @Param   gravity     The gravity force (Somehow)
  void updateSpeed(float heightDiff, float gravity) {
    float temp = speed * speed  + heightDiff * gravity;
    if (temp < 0) {
      speed = 0;
    } else {
      speed = sqrt(temp);

   * Update the water volume of the drop
   * @Param   heightDiff  The height difference between its old position and its new position
   * @Param   gravity     The gravity force (Somehow)
  void updateWaterVolume(float evaporationFactor) {
    waterVolume *= (1 - evaporationFactor);

   * @Return   the position of the drop as a PVector
  PVector getPos() {
    return pos;

   * Change the inertia value of the drops
   * Make sure that the value is in range [0,1]
  void setInertia(float value) {
    if (value > 1) {
      inertia = 1;

    if (value < 0) {
      inertia = 0;

    inertia = value;

   * Change the minimum sediment capacity of a drop
   * Make sure that the value is in range [0,infinity[
  void setMinSedimentCapacity(float value) {     
    if (value < 0) {
      minSedimentCapacity = 0;

    minSedimentCapacity = value;

class DropInfo {
  public float gradX;
  public float gradY;
  public float h;
  public float x;
  public float y;
  public int i;    // The x coordinate of the closet top left grid point
  public int j;    // The y coordinate of the closet top left grid point
  public float u;  // The x offset from the closet top left grid point
  public float v;  // The y offset from the closet top left grid point

  DropInfo(float x, float y, int i, int j, float h, float gradX, float gradY) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.i = i;
    this.j = j;
    this.h = h;
    this.gradX = gradX;
    this.gradY = gradY;

DropInfo getDropInfo(final float[][] terrain, final Drop drop) {
  // Get drop position
  float x = drop.getPos().x;
  float y = drop.getPos().y;

  // Get the closest top left vertex
  int i = (int)x;
  int j = (int)y;

  // Get the offset of that drop from the closet top left vertex
  float u = x - (int)x;
  float v = y - (int)y;

  // Get the height of the surrounding vertices
  float heightTL = terrain[i    ][j    ];
  float heightTR = terrain[i + 1][j    ];
  float heightBL = terrain[i    ][j + 1];
  float heightBR = terrain[i + 1][j + 1];

  // Get the height of the drop by linear interpolation
  float h = (1-v) * ( (1-u) * heightTL + u * heightTR ) + v * ( (1-u) * heightBL + u * heightBR );

  // Compute X gradient by linear interpolation
  // Positive gradients = rigth direction
  float gradX = (heightTL - heightTR) * (1 - v) + (heightBL - heightBR) * v;

  // Compute Y gradient by linear interpolation
  // Positive gradients = down direction
  float gradY = (heightTL - heightBL) * (1 - u) + (heightTR - heightBR) * u;

  return new DropInfo(x, y, i, j, h, gradX, gradY);

class DropPath {
  ArrayList<PVector> pos;

  DropPath() {
    pos = new ArrayList<PVector>();

  void add(float x, float y, float z) {
    pos.add(new PVector(x, y, z));

  void show(float scaleXY, float scaleZ) {
    translate(scaleXY * pos.get(0).x, scaleXY * pos.get(0).y, scaleZ * pos.get(0).z);
    fill(200, 20, 20);

    for (int i = 1; i < pos.size(); i++) {
      translate(scaleXY * pos.get(i).x, scaleXY * pos.get(i).y, scaleZ * pos.get(i).z);
      fill(200, 20, 20);
      stroke(200, 20, 20);
      line(scaleXY * pos.get(i-1).x, scaleXY * pos.get(i-1).y, scaleZ * pos.get(i-1).z, scaleXY * pos.get(i).x, scaleXY * pos.get(i).y, scaleZ * pos.get(i).z);

class PRNG {
  private long initSeed;
  private long seed;
  private long a;
  private long c;
  private long m32;
  private int[] p;
  private PVector gradients[];
  private final float perlinBound = 1. / sqrt(2);

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   * All code in this section was written by Jeremy Douglass
   * You can see the original thread here:

   * Constructor
   * Defaults to current system time in milliseconds.
  PRNG() {

   * @param  seed  starting seed value 
  PRNG(long seed) {
    this.a = 1664525;
    this.c = 1013904223;
    this.m32 = 0xFFFFFFFFL;
   * Updates seed based on past value, returns new value.
   * @return  current seed
   long getInitSeed() {
     return this.initSeed;

   * Updates seed based on past value, returns new value.
   * @return  unsigned 32bit value stored in a long
  long nextLong() {
    this.seed = this.seed * a + c & m32;
    return this.seed;

   * Returns next long wrapped to the max integer value.
   * Implemented so that calls to nextInt or nextLong stay in sync,
   * the next seed internally is always updated to the next long.
   * @return  positive 
  int nextInt() {
    return (int)(this.nextLong()%Integer.MAX_VALUE);

   * Set the current seed.
   * @param  newSeed  the new seed value
  void randomSeed(long newSeed) {
    this.seed = newSeed;
    this.initSeed = newSeed;

   * @return  a random float between 0 and 1
  float random() {
    return random(0, 1);

   * @param   max  maximum value to return
   * @return  a random float between 0 and max
  float random(float max) {
    return random(0, max);

   * @param   min  minimum value to return
   * @param   max  maximum value to return
   * @return       a random float in the specified range (min, max)
  float random(float min, float max) {
    return map(this.nextInt(), 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, min, max);

  // ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
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  // ***********************************************************************************************************************************************  

   * I built the perlin noise on top of the work above

   * @return  a random int between 0 included and maxInt excluded
  int nextInt(int maxInt) {
    return nextInt() % maxInt;

   * Initialize the parameters of the perlin noise
   * 16 unit gradients evenly spaced are created
   * Those gradients will be place on a grid randomly
   * A permutation array p is randomly created
   * This array allows to randomly place the gradients on the grid 
  private void initPerlin() {
    // Create 16 gradients evenly spaced around the unit circle
    gradients = new PVector[16];
    float stepSize = TWO_PI / 16;
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
      gradients[i] = PVector.fromAngle(i * stepSize);

    // Create a pseudo-random permutation array that will be used to randomly place the gradients on the grid
    int[] partA = new int[256]; // Needs to be a multiple of to give the same chance to all the gradients;
    int[] partB = new int[256]; // Needs to be a multiple of to give the same chance to all the gradients;

    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
      partA[i] = i;
      partB[i] = i;


    // p consists of 2 parts to avoid beeing out of bounds values in the perlin code
    p = new int[512];
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
      p[i] = partA[i];
      p[i + 256] = partB[i];

   * @param   x  x coordinate of the perlin noise
   * @param   y  y coordinate of the perlin noise
   * @return       a random float between 0 and 1
  float perlin(float x, float y) {
    // Get the top left grid corner coordinates
    int i = (int)x & 255; // = x % 256
    int j = (int)y & 255; // = y % 256

    // Get the gradients used in the 4 surrounding grid corners
    int gradTL = ((p[p[p[      i] +       j]]) & 15); // = % 16   -   Top left gradient    (in processing coordonate system)
    int gradTR = ((p[p[p[incr(i)] +       j]]) & 15); // = % 16   -   Top right gradient   (in processing coordonate system)
    int gradBL = ((p[p[p[      i] + incr(j)]]) & 15); // = % 16   -   bottom left gradient (in processing coordonate system)
    int gradBR = ((p[p[p[incr(i)] + incr(j)]]) & 15); // = % 16   -   Top left gradient    (in processing coordonate system)

    // get the delta from the top left grid corner
    float u = x - (int)x;
    float v = y - (int)y;

    // Compute the dot products between the gradients at the 4 surrounding grid corners and the 4 vectors starting at the corners and heading towards the point (x, y)
    float dotProdTL = dotProd(gradients[gradTL], u, v);
    float dotProdTR = dotProd(gradients[gradTR], u - 1, v);
    float dotProdBL = dotProd(gradients[gradBL], u, v - 1);
    float dotProdBR = dotProd(gradients[gradBR], u - 1, v - 1);

    // Interpolate the values on the x-axis
    float topAverage = lerpValues(dotProdTL, dotProdTR, u); 
    float bottomAverage = lerpValues(dotProdBL, dotProdBR, u);

    // Interpolate and the y-axis and return the result
    return map(lerpValues(topAverage, bottomAverage, v), -perlinBound, perlinBound, 0, 1);

   * @param   x           x coordinate of the perlin noise
   * @param   y           y coordinate of the perlin noise
   * @param   nbOFreq     The number of frequencies to add on top of another
   * @param   freqFactor  The amount by which to change the next frequency
   * @param   ampFactor   The amount by which to change the next amplitude
   * @return              a random float between 0 and 1
  float mixPerlin(float x, float y, int nbOFreq, float freqFactor, float ampFactor) {
    float result = 0;
    float freq = 1;
    float amp = 1;
    final float maxValue = (1 - pow(ampFactor, nbOFreq)) / ( 1 - ampFactor);

    for (int i = 0; i < nbOFreq; i++) {
      result += perlin(x * freq, y * freq) * amp;
      amp *= ampFactor;
      freq *= freqFactor;

    return result/maxValue;

   * @param   x    x coordinate of the perlin grid point
   * @param   y    y coordinate of the perlin grid point
   * @return       The gradient used at that perlin grid point
  PVector getGrad(int x, int y) {
    int i = x & 255; // = x % 256
    int j = y & 255; // = y % 256

    int gradTL = ((p[p[p[i]+j]]) & 15);
    return gradients[gradTL];

   * @param   a    The start point
   * @param   b    The end point
   * @param   t    The value to which interpolate 
   * @return       The interpolation at t between a and b. The function used is not linear in order to get continuous second derivative 
  private float lerpValues(float a, float b, float t) {
    return a + fade(t) * (b - a);

   * @param   t    The value at which evaluate the function
   * @return       The value of the function 6 t^5 - 10 t^4 + 15 t^3 
  private float fade(float t) {
    return t * t * t * ( t * ( t * 6 - 15 ) + 10 );

   * @param   v    The first vector
   * @param   x    The x componant of the second vector
   * @param   y    The y componant of the second vector
   * @return       the dot product of the 2 vectors
  private float dotProd(PVector v, float x, float y) {
    return v.x * x + v.y * y;

   * Increase a value by 1 and make sure it does not go above 255
   * if so return 0 instead
  private int incr(int a) {
    return a > 254 ? 0 : a + 1;

   * Function written by PhiLho here:
   * Shuffle the passed array randomly
  private void shuffleArray(int[] ar)
    for (int i = ar.length - 1; i > 0; i--)
      int index = nextInt(i + 1);
      // Simple swap
      int a = ar[index];
      ar[index] = ar[i];
      ar[i] = a;

Hi @jb4x,

Funny, I experimented different kind of hydraulic erosion algorithms with Processing about a month ago, including the one you’re referring to.

The results look decent to me, what exactly puzzle you with these outputs ? Sebastian Lague (author of the video you posted) 's implementation could be useful if you want to to some tweaking. For comparison my version based on his code looked like this:

I also ran across this great article from Daniel Andrino on github where he explores different ways to mimic hydraulic erosion (Machine Learning, BFS and simulation). I found his numpy-based simulation to be quite similar to Sebastian Lague’s work

Lastly, if you have a thing for beautilful maps and color gradient you might want to check this paper from Berthold Horn for hill shading. Here below some of my notes:


Hi @solub,

Thanks for all the readings, I’ll definitely dig into it when I have the time! That seems to be good stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

Your version looks gorgeous too, I can’t figure out the right parameters to get those nice creases you get down hill.

I tried several parameters but can’t manage to get them. I also tried copying Sebastian Lague parameters but it doesn’t work.

I wonder if I don’t have a weird behavior in my code but it is quite hard to debug…

Thanks for sharing this, @jb4x – and @solub

@jb4x, is there any possibility that you aren’t seeing certain details because you need a higher resolution total space?

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Hi @jeremydouglass,

I also thought of that and tried to increase my grid resolution to 1024*1024 (instead of 512*512) but I still can’t get those creases.

Also I noticed that my version is more noisy than the one of @solub and Sebastian Lague so I have probably something a bit off in my code.