G4P GUI: cannot find KeyEvent method

I am getting an error on running G4P V4.3.8.

The GWindowAWT class cannot find this method
public void winMouse(PApplet applet, GWinData windata, MouseEvent ouseevent) { /* code */ }

The GWindowAWT class cannot find this method
public void winKey(PApplet applet, GWinData windata, KeyEvent eyevent) { /* code */ }

The app runs, putting up a main animation window and a subsidiary window of G4P controls. Everything works, including numerous event handlers, but the mouse events and key events in the control window can’t be caught.

I have tried running similar handlers in a much small app–there it all works. The handlers for key and mouse events are present and properly formatted, and I checked the file for bogus characters. There were none.

Here’s a typical handler:

synchronized public void winKey(PApplet appc, GWinData data, KeyEvent kevent) { 
  println("ControlWindow - key event " + millis());

At this point, I’d welcome suggestions.

Posted the problem and then I solved it. Typical.

Because I had also imported java.awt.event.* to my app, the signature for the winKey method was misconstrued by the JRE (or so I surmise). By explicitly citing the type:

synchronized public void winKey(PApplet appc, GWinData data, processing.event.KeyEvent kevent) { 
  println("ControlWindow - key event " + millis());

Problem solved.