Function KeyPressed

Hi !
I’m quite new in javascript and I tried to program a Flappy bird with the coding train video.
I did a function named KeyPressed

function KeyPressed () {
  if (key == "") {

But it’s not working and I don’t see anything appear when I press space in the console. Can you help me with it ? Thanks !

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"" is an empty String. Use " " (or ' ') instead for the space character. :wink:

P.S.: Edit & format your posted code. :spiral_notepad:

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Yeah ! It’s working. Thanks a lot !

also it should be

function setup() {


function draw() {

function keyPressed() {
  print("keyPressed "+key+" keyCode "+keyCode);
  if ( key == ' ' ) console.log("[space]"); 

and we see it ?
in browser / inspect / Console

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Thanks a lot for the fast answer !