I don’t know why that would help.
I don’t think you understand how draw() works. You put some code in it to draw things, and the things appear, right?
Well no. It doesn’t stop after it has shown you the things it drew. It starts over again almost immediately. It’s fast! SUPER FAST! It draws things 60 times in one second!
So everything you draw in draw() is only shown to you for 1/60th of a second before it draws those things again.
If you want it to only draw so many things, you can limit the things it draws by other means. One simple - and perhaps the best - way is depending on time. If you call millis(), you can determine how many milliseconds the sketch has been running for. Consider:
void setup(){
void draw(){
rect(10, 10, 20, 20);
if( millis() > 10000 ){ // Ten seconds have passed.
rect(40, 40, 20, 20);
if( millis() > 20000 ){ // Twenty seconds have passed.
rect(70, 70, 20, 20);
text("" + millis(), 20, 300);
Here, initially, one square is being drawn. After ten thousand milliseconds (ten seconds) have gone by, a second square starts being drawn.
A third square appears after twenty seconds.
But the screen is being redrawn 60 times a second! EVERY SECOND! Look how fast the millis() counter goes up!