For loop structure for arrays


I’m trying to wrap my head around the for loop structure for arrays. Is there a way to assign values to the elements in the array using the array for loop structure: for(int i : arrayName)?

I’ve done this but it’s not working.

float[] cats = new float[10];

void setup() {
  for (float k : cats) {
    k = random(50, 100);

  for (float i : cats) {

for(int i=0; i<cats.length; i++)

Hi Chrisir,

Thanks for your response. :slight_smile:
I’m aware of that method. I’m wondering if there’s a way to do it using the
for(int i : arrayName){

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I don’t know


If the data type is a primitive (int, float, boolean etc) or if the data type is an immutable class (Integer, Float, Boolean etc) then the answer is no.

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Ok, super–thanks quark :slight_smile:

  • In order to access an array, like any other object, we need its reference.
  • In your case, cats is the field variable that holds the array reference.
  • The iterable variable k holds a copy of an item of the cats[] array each iteration.
  • Mutating k’s copy doesn’t change the original value inside the cats[] array.
  • So if we need to mutate the contents of cats[], we need a vanilla for ( ; ; ) style loop.
  • Use the for ( : ) style when you just need to read the contents rather than change them.

Hi GoToLoop.

Thanks for this in-depth explanation! It’s super helpful :slight_smile:

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The Processing reference calls this form:

A second type of for structure. states:

This form is sometimes referred to as the enhanced for statement, and can be used to make your loops more compact and easy to read.



There is more discussion about the enhanced for loop in the Processing references here:
Arrays / A paragraph near bottom.
Array / Reference / A comment in code.


Talking about for loops; also as a self-teaching beginner and maybe of interest to others, I recently found out that the following is possible as well.

int x = 2; 
for (long y = 0, z = 4; x < 10 && y < 10; x++, y++) { 
   println(x+" "+y);

Thanks glv and noel!

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interesting! Other less-typical for loops:

for (int x=5; x<55; x+=5) { println(x); }  // step size
for (int x=100; x>=0; x--) { println(x); }  // countdown
for (int x=50; x!=49; x=(x+1)%100) { println(x); }  // wrap around
for (int x=0; x!=9; x+=int(random(-3,3))) { println(x); }  // random walk

These may be considered bad style, however. A countdown or +2 is easy enough, but once a for loop starts to seem “fancy” it is getting hard to read, and that may be a good time to ditch it for incrementing by +1 and a count, and move the scaling / shifting inside – or turn it into a while loop to focus on a complex stopping condition.


It may also become harder to optimize, so perform less well.

Or the other less typical for loop for (;;)

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