FloodFill Demo Problem in p5.js Web Editor

@codeguppy I have been unable to run the CodeGuppy demo on flood fill for reasons I do not understand. It worked just fine in the editor used in the video, but fails to run as expected in a p5.js web editor. The following source code was taken from the middle of the video using imageData from the canvas context and right before animation was added. A similar question was posted on StackOverFlow:

Source code:

let imageData;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(800, 800);

function draw() {
  if (mouseIsPressed) {
    line(floor(pmouseX), floor(pmouseY), floor(mouseX), floor(mouseY));

function keyPressed() {
  imageData = drawingContext.getImageData(0, 0, 800, 800);
  flood(floor(mouseX), floor(mouseY));
  drawingContext.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);

function flood(x, y) {
  let fillStack = [];
  fillStack.push([x, y]);
  while (fillStack.length > 0) {
    let [x, y] = fillStack.pop();
    if (!valid(x, y)) {
    if (isPixel(x, y)) {
    setPixel(x, y);

    fillStack.push([x + 1, y]);
    fillStack.push([x - 1, y]);
    fillStack.push([x, y - 1]);
    fillStack.push([x, y + 1]);

// Does not work in p5.js web editor
function setPixel(x, y) {
  let pixels = imageData.data;
  let i = (y * width + x) * 4;
  pixels[i] = 255; // red
  pixels[i + 1] = 0; // green
  pixels[i + 2] = 0; // blue
  pixels[i + 3] = 255; // alpha

// Does not work in p5.js web editor
function isPixel(x, y) {
  let pixels = imageData.data;
  let i = (y * width + x) * 4;
  return pixels[i + 3] > 0;

function valid(x, y) {
  return x >= 0 && x <= width - 1 && y >= 0 && y <= height - 1;

Unexpected output not seen in the video:

As you can see the background is red and not the drawing. There is a chance that I have copied the source code incorrectly, but it is similar to what was posted on StackOverflow. The video is an excellent video which shows why _not to use recursive functions and demonstrates alternate techniques: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7qCVxq-dWE

I’m at a loss to explain why it worked so well in the video but I am unable to get the same result in p5.js web editor. I’m hoping that it is just a typo or some minor problem which can be fixed. Thanks for your time and outstanding work.

I had to change the name of the ‘fill’ function to ‘flood’ because the editor complained that ‘fill’ was being used for something else.

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Hi @svan,

the shown algorithm not consider pixel density. for simplicity just use pixelDensity(1); in setup.

— mnse

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Simple fix; thank you.