Flip upper case with lower case

I want to swap upper case letters with lower case letters. But all I can find on the internet is just how I can completely convert the word either to lower case or to upper case. what I need is : Hello -> hELLO

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You could go through the String using a for-loop with charAt: https://www.processing.org/reference/String_charAt_.html (str_.charAt(i))

then check the ASCII value using int. When it’s > 90 it’s lowercase. Then use

Build the new String from the resulting chars

Ascii https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII#Printable_characters

Welcome to the forum!

Regards, Chrisir

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If we print the binary() form of ASCII letters:

println(binary('A', 8), hex('A', 2), (byte) 'A'); // 01000001 41 65
println(binary('a', 8), hex('a', 2), (byte) 'a'); // 01100001 61 97

println(binary('Z', 8), hex('Z', 2), (byte) 'Z'); // 01011010 5A 90
println(binary('z', 8), hex('z', 2), (byte) 'z'); // 01111010 7A 122


We’re gonna notice the only diff. between an uppercase ASCII letter from its corresponding lowercase is that the 3rd bit of the latter is 1.

We can create a CASE_MASK for that 3rd bit like this:
static final byte CASE_MASK = 1 << 5; // 0b00100000

That is, the bit 1 is left-shifted 5 times, which is the same as 0b00100000 in binary, 0x20 in hexadecimal and 32 in decimal.

Now, in order to use that bit-mask as a case bit flipper, we’re gonna need to use the operator ^:

static final byte CASE_MASK = 1 << 5; // 0b00100000

void setup() {
  println(binary(CASE_MASK, 8), hex(CASE_MASK, 2), CASE_MASK); // 00100000 20 32

  println(binary('A', 8), hex('A', 2), (byte) 'A'); // 01000001 41 65
  println(binary('a', 8), hex('a', 2), (byte) 'a'); // 01100001 61 97

  println(binary('Z', 8), hex('Z', 2), (byte) 'Z'); // 01011010 5A 90
  println(binary('z', 8), hex('z', 2), (byte) 'z'); // 01111010 7A 122

  println((char) ('A' ^ CASE_MASK)); // 'a'
  println((char) ('a' ^ CASE_MASK)); // 'A'
  println((char) ('Z' ^ CASE_MASK)); // 'z'
  println((char) ('z' ^ CASE_MASK)); // 'Z'


Now you just need to create a function which flips the case of a whole String. :wink:

P.S.: Alternatively we can use the space ' ' character as the mask, b/c its ASCII value is 32: :flushed:
static final byte CASE_MASK = ' '; // same as 1 << 5

  println((char) ('A' ^ ' ')); // 'a'
  println((char) ('a' ^ ' ')); // 'A'
  println((char) ('Z' ^ ' ')); // 'z'
  println((char) ('z' ^ ' ')); // 'Z'
