Feeling completely lost regarding problem solving?

Hi, I feel incredibly lost and I don’t think that programming is for me after all. I’m doing the MIT Python for beginners course and I can’t do any of the midterm exam problems. I understand the lectures but when I am faced with omegle something I haven’t done before, it’s like my brain freezes. No matter how hard I try to think of a solution, I can’t come up with anything. I feel like I learned nothing and wasted my money. I had the same problem with CS50. I just can’t solve any problem. Is there something I can do about that or should I look for something else to do?

when I am faced with something I haven’t done before, it’s like my brain freezes. No matter how hard I try to think of a solution, I can’t come up with anything.

Are you doing Processing.py python mode or otherwise using Processing with Python? I ask because this is a Processing forum – we do Python, but it isn’t a learn-Python forum.

Re: your question – have you tried:

  • breaking problems down into smaller steps, and solving them one at a time?
  • looking up things you don’t understand one at a time?
  • getting as far as you can, and, once you get stuck, asking questions (for example, on this forum)?

You might be interested in our FAQ on asking questions. You’ll need to ask specific questions – “how can I make the box move left”, not “how do I learn programming” – but learning to ask questions about programming both helps you get help, and helps you teach yourself.


I’ve been in the same place as you. Last year, I sought out to complete the CS50x course. I got till week 5, after which I completely lost interest in it.

My advice to you would be to develop small, side projects that you enjoy making. This may reignite your interest, and also improve your programming skills.


Honestly watching Dan’s coding challenges may help. His lectures I’m almost sure are already prescripted but the point is he breaks down all the steps in a problem and explains how to get to the solution. Of course a second good exercise is to try to code it first without watching then once you finished or if you become stuck then watch it.

But to be honest coding for some is just not easy. It requires a lot of preparation work maths science etc and as you say problem solving.