Facial recognition for users

Facial recognition for users

hello. Nice to meet you.

library :

  1. Deep Vision
  2. OpenCV for Processing
    link: opencv-processing/examples/WhichFace/WhichFace.pde at master · cansik/opencv-processing · GitHub

Q1. It is easy to recognize human faces through the ‘Library’.
Q2. However, it is difficult to compare people by matching their faces. In other words, we want to save an image of a person and later determine if it is that person through ‘live cam’.

Do you have any advice or an easy way to solve it?

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Hi good friend hope you fine

In this Link examples about your topic

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Found some more links

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Thank you for your kind reply.
Be happy~~!

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Thank you for answer.
‘FaceRekognition’ seems to have expired.

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I reccommmend creating a separate Java class on its own thread for face matching.

At its heart, facial recognition and matching are just pattern matching.

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OpenCV and Java appear not to be friends.

Use C++ or Python.

I love Java, but it was not really intended for use with OpenCV.

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Thank you for the good advice. have a good day.