Export a processing app from IntelliJ IDEA

It is possible to make an executable jar file of Processing code in IntelliJ after you have imported the Processing library ‘processing.core.Applet’, which I presume you already know how to do. To make the jar file executable takes some doing but is explained in the following link: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/guide/tutorials/hello-world/packaging-the-application/ . The explanation is in the video at the top of the website. There was a recent thread in this forum which may or may not give you additional insight: https://discourse.processing.org/t/how-does-processing-export-work/36816/4. I’m not sure the question was adequately answered, but it did not appear to be possible to reproduce the exact app output of Processing by using IntelliJ, although it is possible to create a jar file which will open upon double clicking (on a Mac). The file size was 1 MB so it may contain java; I am not knowledgeable enough about jar files to tell whether it contains java or not. You can download an executable jar file created by IntelliJ from DropBox to examine it for yourself if you are so inclined.

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