ESP32 Bluetooth transmission problem

Part of the Arduino function is as follows:

void sendDataThroughUART(void){

  DataPacket[0] = ecgFilterout;
  DataPacket[1] = ecgFilterout >> 8;
  DataPacket[2] = resWaveBuff;
  DataPacket[3] = resWaveBuff >> 8;

  DataPacket[4] = globalRespirationRate;
  DataPacket[5] = globalRespirationRate >> 8;
  DataPacket[6] = globalHeartRate;
  DataPacket[7] = globalHeartRate >> 8;
  DataPacket[8] = 0;

  //send packet header
  for(int i=0; i<5; i++){


  //send 30003 data
  for(int i=0; i<DATA_LEN; i++) // transmit the data

  //send packet footer
  for(int i=0; i<2; i++){

void loop() {
  if (SerialBT.connected()) {
      ads1292OutputValues ecgRespirationValues;
      boolean ret = ADS1292R.getAds1292EcgAndRespirationSamples(ADS1292_DRDY_PIN,ADS1292_CS_PIN,&ecgRespirationValues);
      if (ret == true)
        ecgWaveBuff = (int16_t)(ecgRespirationValues.sDaqVals[1] >> 8) ;  // ignore the lower 8 bits out of 24bits
        resWaveBuff = (int16_t)(ecgRespirationValues.sresultTempResp>>8) ;
        SerialBT.printf("ECG: %d, Resp: %d\n", ecgWaveBuff, resWaveBuff); // 打印原始数据
        if(ecgRespirationValues.leadoffDetected == false)
          ECG_RESPIRATION_ALGORITHM.ECG_ProcessCurrSample(&ecgWaveBuff, &ecgFilterout);   // filter out the line noise @40Hz cutoff 161 order
          ECG_RESPIRATION_ALGORITHM.QRS_Algorithm_Interface(ecgFilterout,&globalHeartRate); // calculate
          respFilterout = ECG_RESPIRATION_ALGORITHM.Resp_ProcessCurrSample(resWaveBuff);
          ecgFilterout = 0;
          respFilterout = 0;

In my serial port debugging, SerialBT.printf () displays normally, but in processing, no data is received. How can I debug this? I don’t know if it’s because of a problem with Bluetooth transmission or something else. I did not modify any transmission protocol, I just converted the serial port transmission to Bluetooth to see if it is feasible. Below is the serial port protocol connection.

I hope someone can provide debugging suggestions, thank you very much! :smiling_face_with_tear:

Hello @cola,

Do you serial over Bluetooth set up correctly on your PC?

Try some simple code and just send a single character and try to receive that on Processing or any other terminal emulator that connects to a serial port.

You must select correct COM port, BAUD rate, etc.


I used a simple example to test Bluetooth transmission, and everything worked fine. I think this may be related to the fact that serialBT.write() does not have its own delimiter when writing, because the data I see on the serial monitor is continuous.
The example to test Bluetooth transmission code:

#include "BluetoothSerial.h"

BluetoothSerial SerialBT;

// define deviceName
const char *deviceName = "ESP32_BT_Example";

// counter
int count = 0;

void setup() {
  // initial Bluetooth
  if (!SerialBT.begin(deviceName)) {
    Serial.println("Bluetooth initialization failed!");
    while (1);
  Serial.println("Bluetooth is activated, waiting for connection...");

void loop() {
  // waiting for connection
  if (SerialBT.connected()) {
    // send data 
    String message = "Hello World #" + String(count++);
    Serial.println("sendmessage:" + message);
  } else {
    Serial.println("waiting for connection...");

void senddata(){
  const char DataPacketHeader[5] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05};
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

In addition, I also saw that the transmission packet on the Bluetooth transmission serial port complies with the transmission protocol.
This may be back to the previous transmission protocol problem.

I can receive data but the waveform drawn is not ECG


And the data receiving speed is much slower than the serial port output.

The redundant delay added during my Bluetooth transmission caused data transmission problems. Thanks for your answer, I solved my problem! :flushed:

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ECG/esp example