TypeError: this._renderer is undefined
🌸 p5.js dice:
[p5.js, line 95593] Cannot read property of undefined. Check the line number in error and make sure the variable which is being operated is not undefined.
+ More info: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Errors/Cant_access_property#what_went_wrong
Error at line 95593 in [329]</_main.default.prototype.image()
Called from line 31 in handleImage()
Called from line 94646 in [329]</_main.default.prototype.loadImage/</img.onload()
let myimg;
let gameBoard = [ [0,0,1,1],
let gameBoard2 = [1,0,1,1];
// Load an image and create a p5.Image object.
function preload() {
myimg = loadImage('roca.png', handleImage,handleError);
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
let arrayRocas = gameBoard.filter( (filaActual) => {
let result = filaActual.filter( (columnaActual) => columnaActual == 1 );
} );
describe('A red brick wall.');
// Display the image
function handleImage(myimg) {
image(myimg, 0, 0);
describe('Image of the underside of a white umbrella and a gridded ceiling.');
// Log the error.
function handleError(event) {
console.error('Oops!', event);
The error is in image in the handleImage when calling image
function setup() {
// Call handleImage() once the image loads or
// call handleError() if an error occurs.
loadImage('/assets/laDefense.jpg', handleImage, handleError);
// Display the image.
function handleImage(img) {
image(img, 0, 0);
describe('Image of the underside of a white umbrella and a gridded ceiling.');
// Log the error.
function handleError(event) {
console.error('Oops!', event);
There is nothing wrong with this code and loading an image in preload rather than setup is preferred.
As @GoToLoop pointed out the preload is executed beforesetup so the two methods for success and failure will be executed before setup so you cannot use any p5js methods inside them. Using console is obviously OK
So perhaps is a bug…because its recommended to load all images and audios and so “heavy” elements in preload function…
This works, loading image in setup:
let img;
function preload() {
//img= loadImage('pac.png', handleImage, handleError);
function setup() {
// Call handleImage() once the image loads or
// call handleError() if an error occurs.
img= loadImage('pac.png', handleImage, handleError);
function draw(){
image(img, 0, 0);
// Display the image.
function handleImage(img) {
image(img, 0, 0);
describe('Image of the underside of a white umbrella and a gridded ceiling.');
// Log the error.
function handleError(event) {
console.error('Oops!', event);
But the “same” code loading image in preload, as should be …fails with the error in first post:
let img;
function preload() {
img= loadImage('pac.png', handleImage, handleError);
function setup() {
// Call handleImage() once the image loads or
// call handleError() if an error occurs.
// img= loadImage('pac.png', handleImage, handleError);
function draw(){
image(img, 0, 0);
// Display the image.
function handleImage(img) {
image(img, 0, 0);
describe('Image of the underside of a white umbrella and a gridded ceiling.');
// Log the error.
function handleError(event) {
console.error('Oops!', event);
I think most images at loading should have these callbacks just in case a image cant be loaded for whatever reason… as some of you know im developing a pacman game, so if an image of pacman or walls or dots doesnt load…the game or program has nosense to continue…So my idea is loading all the images in preload function and test if there is any error.
Again, you’re still keeping the same bug I’ve pointed out in my 1st reply.
That image(img, 0, 0); will run before setup() callback even starts!
Meaning, the sketch’s canvas hadn’t been created at the moment image(img, 0, 0); is invoked!
Yes i understand your point of view, but this some how shoudl be fixed…because if you use preload function to loading media, then you want to handle possible errors…if you put all the loadimage in setup then the performance will go down and time to load game would increase…some dev in my opinion could give this a solution…
Another solution im thinking is in handleImage put an console.log info, and in handleError some kind of alert and exiting the program…and then put image( myimg, 0,0) in the draw function…so id load the media in preload, and perhaps dont get the error
This tutorial on program flow on the archived version of the p5.js website has a good explanation for what you are trying to do. See in particular the “Asynchronicity in p5.js”, “Introduction to Preload”, and “Loading with a Callback” sections.
The last part in particular is relevant to your approach. You can use the success callback to draw the image to the canvas but then you have to call loadImage() in setup(). This is because preload() stops the flow of the program, therefore the canvas does not exist yet at that point.
Here is what the tutorial in question says about callbacks:
An alternative to preload() is to use a callback function . A callback function is a function that is passed as an argument to a second function, and that runs after the second function has completed. The following example illustrates this technique.
And the example provided:
function setup(){
createCanvas(100, 100);
loadImage("/assets/learn/program-flow/images/clouds.jpg", drawImage);
function draw(){
function drawImage(img){
image(img, 0, 0);
The problem is that you are attempting to draw an image to a canvas object that hasn’t been created yet. In your code you had
let img;
function preload() {
//img= loadImage('pac.png', handleImage, handleError);
function setup() {
// Call handleImage() once the image loads or
// call handleError() if an error occurs.
img= loadImage('pac.png', handleImage, handleError);
function draw(){
image(img, 0, 0);
// Display the image.
function handleImage(img) {
image(img, 0, 0);
describe('Image of the underside of a white umbrella and a gridded ceiling.');
// Log the error.
function handleError(event) {
console.error('Oops!', event);
but what is the point of displaying the image in handleImage when in a few milliseconds it is going to be displayed in draw()?
The advantage of preload is that the resources are fully loaded beforesetup is executed so you can safely use them once the sketch is initialized and the canvas is created.
Im a teacher in vocational eduction, and we are learning Front Web Development, trying to implement some kind of Pacman game. So if for any reason the pacman image or rock image cant be loaded…you must give a “clean and controlled exit” to user. Also learning good programming practices.
// inform the image has loaded without problems.
function handleImage(img) {
console.log("Image loaded without any issue");
describe('Image of the underside of a white umbrella and a gridded ceiling.');
So perhpas at preload should be some kind of loadimage return value or anything to let test if a image or audio have loaded right, and give option to exit program in a clean way…
let img = loadImage('pac.png');
let n = 999;
// at this point img is undefined and n has the value 999
The first line is executed asynchronously so the second line is executed before loadImage has completed. So the return value from loadImage cannot be used because we don’t know when it will be set. This is why we have callback function to be executed if it succeeds or fails,=.
This sketch code demonstrates one way to gracefully handle loading errors. It attempts to load three images but only the first one exists (at least on my system)
let nbrLoaded = 0, expected;
let errors = [];
let img0, img1, img2;
function preload() {
expected = 3;
img0 = loadImage('bug0.png', handleImage, handleError); // exists
img1 = loadImage('bug1.png', handleImage, handleError); // non-existant
img2 = loadImage('bug2.png', handleImage, handleError); // non-existant
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 160);
if (nbrLoaded != expected) {
console.log(`Only ${nbrLoaded} out of ${expected} resources loaded`);
draw = drawError; // change the draw method
draw = function () {
image(img0, 100, 100);
drawError = function () {
background(255, 192, 192);
fill(0); textSize(16).textAlign(LEFT, CENTER);
let y = 30;
errors.forEach(e => { text(e, 10, y); y += 24; });
function handleImage(img) {
function handleError(event) {
errors.push(`### Unable to find ${event.target.src} ###`);
The output lists the loading errors in the webpage.