Dynamic casting example

I would like some help to understand why casting Object to Object returns true on Output #5 and false on Output #7 if eventually I think both are comparing same object being casted by same class.

Thanks you

class Test {
  PVector a = new PVector(3, 2, 1);
  float f = 2f;

Test t = new Test();

void setup() {

  //copy variable from class
  float cv = t.a.x;
  println( cv == t.a.x );                 //1, OUTPUTS: true
  //get class
  //println( cv.getClass() );             //Error: Cannont invoke getClass() on the primitive Type float
  println( ((Object)cv).getClass() );     //2, OUTPUTS: class java.lang.Float
  println( ((Object)t.a.x).getClass() );  //3, OUTPUTS: class java.lang.Float
  //move to Object
  Object ocv = cv;
  Object otax = t.a.x;

  //comparing objects
  println(  (float)ocv == (Float)otax );  //4 casting Float on float, OUTPUTS: true
  //Dynanic cast
  try {
    Class c = ((Object)t.a.x).getClass();
    Object b = Class.forName(c.getName()).cast(ocv);
    println(  ocv == b );                 //5, casting Object on Object OUTPUTS: true
  catch(Exception e) {
  println(  ocv == (Float)otax );         //6, casting Float on Object OUTPUTS: false
  println(  ocv == otax );                //7, casting Object on Object OUTPUTS: false


Thank you so much GoToLoop! I will read more about it.