Dungeon exploration game bug: no output

hi, i create a dungeon exploration game for my project, it is not done yet but i encounter some weird bug. There is not output (form print statement or the animation). I used python mode in here. Please provide help and help me trouble shoot the problem.

def setup():
    size(2000, 1100)
    global harrison_img
    harrison_img = loadImage('Harrison_Jones.jpg')
    global aluneth_img
    aluneth_img = loadImage('Aluneth.jpg')
    global miner_img
    miner_img = loadImage('Cavern_Shinyfinder.jpg')
    global darkness_img
    darkness_img = loadImage('Darkness.jpg')
    global dragon_img
    dragon_img = loadImage('Hoarding_Dragon.jpg')
    global kobold_img
    kobold_img = loadImage('King_Togwaggale.jpg')
    global kingsbane_img
    kingsbane_img = loadImage('Kingsbane.jpg')
    global recruits_img
    recruits_img = loadImage('Level_Up.jpg')
    global rhokdelar_img
    rhokdelar_img = loadImage('Rhok\'delar.jpg')
    global grizzly_img
    grizzly_img = loadImage('Witchwood_Grizzly.jpg')
    global armory_img
    armory_img = loadImage('Armory.jpg')
    global dungeon_img
    dungeon_img = loadImage('Dungeon.jpg')
    global mine_img
    mine_img = loadImage('Mine.jpg')
    global room_img
    room_img = loadImage("Room.jpg")
    global treasure_img
    treasure_img = loadImage('Treasure_Room.jpg')
    global arrow_img
    arrow_img = loadImage('arrow.png')
    global arrow_down_img
    arrow_down_img = loadImage('arrow_down.png')
    global arrow_left_img
    arrow_left_img = loadImage('arrow_left.png')
    global arrow_right_img
    arrow_right_img = loadImage('arrow_right.png')
from random import*

room_list = ['big trasure room', 'bigger treasure room', 'even bigger treasure room', 'dungeon', 'standard dungeon', 'regular dungeon', 'gold mine', 'diamond mine', 'emerald mine', 'armory 1', 'armory 2', 'armory 3', 'The Room of Darkness', 'The Room of Dragons', 'The Room of Beasts', 'Guarded passageway', 'Guarded corridor', 'Guarded hallway', 'Transportation Chamber', 'The Underground Library', 'The Graveyard of Adventurers']
win_condition = 0

player = [200, 2, 0, 0, 0]

gamemode = randint(1, 4)
if gamemode == 1:
    win_condition = 4
if gamemode == 2:
    win_condition = 25
if gamemode == 3:
    win_condition = 15

toki = False
tess = False
darius = False
dragon = False
grizzly = False
darkness = False
aluneth = False
rhokdelar = False
kingsbane = False

#list, gold, emerald, diamond
def treasure(i, a, b, c, d, e, f):
    j = randint(a, b)
    if j <= 0:
        i.append(randint(a, b))
    j = randint(c,d)
    if j <= 0:
        i.append(randint(c, d))
    j = randint(e,f)
    if j <= 0:
        i.append(randint(e, f))

treasure_list = [['big trasure room'], ['bigger treasure room'], ['even bigger treasure room'], ['dungeon'], ['standard dungeon'], ['regular dungeon'], ['gold mine'], ['diamond mine'], ['emerald mine'], ['armory 1'], ['armory 2'], ['armory 3'], ['The Room of Darkness'], ['The Room of Dragons'], ['The Room of Beasts']]

for i in range(3, 6):
    treasure(treasure_list[i], 10, 100, 5, 40, -10, 3)
for i in range(1, 4):
    treasure(treasure_list[i-1], 15*i, 120*i, 7*i, 70*i, 1*i, 10*i)
treasure(treasure_list[6], 250, 500, 0, 0, 0, 0)
treasure(treasure_list[8], 0, 0, 100, 250, 0, 0)
treasure(treasure_list[7], 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 50)
for i in range(9, 12):
    treasure(treasure_list[i], 10, 120, 5, 70, -10, 10)
for i in range(12, 15):
    treasure(treasure_list[i], 30, 100, 25, 50, -5, 5)

if randint(1, 3) == 1:
    treasure_list[randint(0, 14)].append('Tess\'s Cloak of Invisibility')
if randint(1, 3) == 1:
    treasure_list[randint(0, 14)].append('Toki\'s Stopwatch')
if randint(1, 3) == 1:
    treasure_list[randint(0, 14)].append('Darius\'s Cannon')
for i in range(3):
    treasure_list[randint(0, 5)].append('lesser healing potion')
for i in range(2):
    treasure_list[randint(0, 5)].append('healing potion')
treasure_list[randint(0, 5)].append('greater healing potion')
if gamemode == 1:
    treasure_list[randint(0,14)].append('Wanderous Wand')
    treasure_list[randint(0,14)].append('Tolin\'s Goblet')
    treasure_list[randint(0,14)].append('Golden Kobald')
    treasure_list[randint(0,14)].append('Zarog\'s Crown')

map = []
for i in range(21):
    a = []

def list_find(b, a):
    for i in b:
        if a == i:
            return a
            return None

for i in range(21):
    a = room_list[randint(1, len(room_list))-1]
    map[i].insert(1, a)
    for j in range (4):

map.insert(2, ['entrance gate', None, 3, 7, 1])
map.insert(10, ['west hall', 5, 11, 15, None])
map.insert(14, ['east hall', 9, None, 19, 13])
map.insert(22, ['south hall', 17, 23, None, 21])

for i in range(25):
    if i != 0 and i != 5 and i != 10 and i != 15 and i != 20:
        map[i][4] = i - 1
    if i != 4 and i != 9 and i != 14 and i != 19 and i != 24: 
        map[i][2] = i + 1
    if i > 4:
        map[i][1] = i - 5
    if i < 20:
        map[i][3] = i + 5
map_copy = []
for i in range(25):
a = 0
b = 4
counter = []

for i in range(25):

for x in range(12):
    a = 0
    b = 4
    j = 0
    while map[a][b] == None or a not in counter or (b == 1 and a-5 not in counter) or (b == 2 and a+1 not in counter) or (b==3 and a+5 not in counter) or (b==4 and a-1 not in counter)or (a==2 and b==3) or (a==7 and b==1)or(a==10 and b==2) or (a==11 and b==4) or (a==14 and b==4) or (a==13 and b==2) or (a==22 and b==1) or (a==17 and b==3):
        a = choice(counter)
        b = randint(1, 4)
        j += 1
        if j > 100:
    if j > 100:
    map[a][b] = None
    if b == 1:
        map[a-5][3] = None
    elif b == 2:
        map[a+1][4] = None
    elif b == 3:
        map[a+5][1] = None
    elif b == 4:
        map[a-1][2] = None
for i in treasure_list:
def direction_to_num(q):
    if q == 'w':
        return 1
    if q == 'd':
        return 2
    if q == 's':
        return 3
    if q == 'a':
        return 4
        return None

def draw():
    global player
    global gamemode
    global treasure_list
    global win_condition
    global aluneth
    global rhokdelar
    global kingsbane
    global toki
    global tess
    global darius
    global darkness
    global grizzly
    global dragon
    enemy_list = [['big trasure room', None], ['bigger treasure room', None], ['even bigger treasure room', None], ['dungeon', [2, 10, 'kobalt', kobold_img]] , ['standard dungeon', [2, 10, 'kobalt', kobold_img]], ['regular dungeon', [2, 10, 'kobalt', kobold_img]], ['gold mine', [3, 5, 'miner', miner_img]], ['diamond mine', [3, 5, 'miner', miner_img]], ['emerald mine', [3, 5, 'miner', miner_img]], ['armory 1', [8, 10, 'Aluneth', aluneth_img]], ['armory 2', [8, 10, 'Rhok\'deklar', rhokdelar_img]], ['armory 3', [8, 10, 'Kingsbane', kingsbane_img]], ['The Room of Darkness', [4, 30, 'The Darkness', darkness_img]], ['The Room of Dragons', [4, 30, dragon_img]], ['The Room of Beasts', [4, 30, grizzly_img]], ['Guarded passageway', [6, 20, recruits_img]], ['Guarded corridor', [6, 20, recruits_img]], ['Guarded hallway', [6, 20, recruits_img]], ['Transportation Chamber', None], ['The Underground Library', None], ['The Graveyard of Adventurers', None], ['entrance gate', None], ['west hall', None], ['east hall', None], ['south hall', None]]
    for i in range(len(enemy_list)):
        if enemy_list[i][0] == map[player[1]][0] and enemy_list[i][1] != None:
            print('You encounter', enemy_list[i][1][2])
            enemy = enemy_list[i][1]
            image(harrison_img, 0, 0)
            image(enemy[3], 0, 0)
            player_choice = -1
            while enemy[1] >0 and player[0]>0:
                player_choice = int(input('Choose your move...'))
                if mousePressed:
                    if 800<mouseY<1000:
                        if 0<mouseX<250:
                            player_choice = 1
                        if 250<mouseX<500:
                            player_choice = 2
                        if 500<mouseX<750:
                            player_choice = 3
                        if 750<mouseX<1000 and tess == True and player[0] <= 80:
                            player_choice = 4
                enemy_choice = randint(1, 3)
                escape = -1
                player_original = player[0]
                enemy_original = enemy[1]
                if player_choice == 4:
                    escape = randint[1, 2]
                if escape == 1:
                    print('TESS\'S CLOAK OF INVISIBILITY ACTIVATE!!')
                print(player_choice, enemy_choice)
                if enemy_choice - player_choice == 1 or enemy_choice - player_choice == -2 and player_choice != 4:
                    enemy[1] -= 1
                    if aluneth == True and player_choice == 1:
                        enemy[1] -= 2
                    if rhokdelar == True and player_choice == 2:
                        enemy[1] -= 2
                    if kingsbane == True and player_choice == 3:
                        enemy[1] -= 2
                    if dragon == True and randint[1, 2] == 1:
                        print('DRAGON\'S FANG ACTIVATE!!')
                        enemy[1] -= 1
                    if darius == True and randint[1, 10] == 1:
                        enemy[1] -= enemy[1] - enemy_original
                        print('DARIUS\'S CANNON ACTIVATE!!')
                    print(enemy[2], 'loses', (enemy_original - enemy[1]), 'hp!')
                    if enemy[1] >= 0:
                        print(enemy[1], 'hp remains!')
                if player_choice - enemy_choice == 1 or player_choice - enemy_choice == -2 or player_choice == 4:
                    player[0] -= enemy[0]
                    if darkness == True and randint[1,5] == 1:
                        player[0] += enemy[0]
                    print('You loses', player_original - player[0], 'hp!')
                    if player[0] >= 0:
                        print(player[0], 'hp remains!')
                    elif toki == True:
                        player[0] == 100
                        print('TOKI\'S STOPWATCH ACTIVATE!!')
                        print('You have been brought back to life with 100 hp')
                        player[0] = 100
                        toki == False
                if grizzly == True and randint[1, 2] == 1:
                    player[0] += 10
                    print('GRIZZLY SOUL ACTIVATE!!')
                    print('regenerated 10 hp')
            if player[0] <= 0:
                win_condition = -1
                if gamemode != 3:
                    if enemy_list[i][0][1] != 'Guarded passageway' or 'Guarded hallway' or 'Guarded corridor':
                        enemy_list[i][1] = None
                    enemy_list[i][1] = None
                    win_condition -= 1
    for i in range(len(treasure_list)):
        if treasure_list[i][0] == map[player[1]][0]:
            if len(treasure_list) > 1:
                print('You have found', treasure_list[i][1], 'gold')
                print('You have found', treasure_list[i][2], 'emerald')
                print('You have found', treasure_list[i][3], 'diamond')
            for j in treasure_list[i]:
                if j == 'lesser healing potion':
                    print('You have found', j)
                    player[0] += 20
                if j == 'healing potion':
                    print('You have found', j)
                    player[0] += 40
                if j == 'greater healing potion':
                    print('You have found', j)
                    player[0] += 60
                if j == 'Tess\'s Cloak of Invisibility':
                    print('You have found', j)
                    tess = True
                if j == 'Toki\'s Stopwatch':
                    print('You have found', j)
                    toki == True
                if j == 'Darius\'s Cannon':
                    darius == True
                    print('You have found', j)
                if j == 'Golden Kobald' or j == 'Zarog\'s Crown' or j == 'Tolin\'s Goblet' or j == 'Wanderous Wand':
                    print('You have found', j)
                    win_condition -= 1
    if map[player[1]][0] == 'armory 1':
        aluneth = True
        print('You have found Aluneth')
    if map[player[1]][0] == 'armory 2':
        rhokdelar = True
        print('You have found Rhok\'delar')
    if map[player[1]][0] == 'armory 3':
        kingsbane = True
        print('You have found Kingsbane')
    if map[player[1]][0] == 'The Room of Darkness':
        darkness = True
        print('You have found Darkness Candle')
    if map[player[1]][0] == 'The Room of Dragons':
        dragon = True
        print('You have found Dragon Fang')
    if map[player[1]][0] == 'The Room of Beasts':
        grizzly = True
        print('You have found Grizzly Soul')
    for i in range(len(treasure_list)):
        if treasure_list[i][0] == map[player[1]][0]:
    if map[player[1]][0] == 'entrance gate' or map[player[1]][0] == 'west hall' or map[player[1]][0] == 'east hall' or map[player[1]][0] == 'south hall':
        image(room_img, 0, 0)    
    if map[player[1]][0] == map[player[1]][0] == 'armory 1' or map[player[1]][0] == 'armory 2' or map[player[1]][0] == 'armory 3':
        image(armory_img, 0, 0)
    if map[player[1]][0] == 'room of darkness' or map[player[1]][0] == 'room of beast' or map[player[1]][0] == 'room of dragon':
        image(room_img, 0, 0)
    if map[player[1]][0] == 'dungeon' or map[player[1]][0] == 'standard dungeon' or map[player[1]][0] == 'regular dungeon':
        image(dungeon_img, 0, 0)
    if map[player[1]][0] == 'treasure room' or map[player[1]][0] == 'bigger treasure room' or map[player[1]][0] == 'even bigger treasure room':
        image(treasure_img, 0, 0)
    if map[player[1]][0] == 'gold mine' or map[player[1]][0] == 'emerald mine' or map[player[1]][0] == 'diamond mine':
        image(mine_img, 0, 0)
    if win_condition > 0:    
        if map[player[1]][1] != None:
            textAlign(CENTER, CENTER)
            text('{0}'.format(map[map[player[1]][1]][0]), 1000, 260)
            image(arrow_img, 900, 30)
        if map[player[1]][2] != None:
            textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER)
            text('{0}'.format(map[map[player[1]][2]][0]), 1740, 500)
            image(arrow_left_img, 1770, 400)
        if map[player[1]][3] != None:
            textAlign(CENTER, CENTER)
            text('{0}'.format(map[map[player[1]][3]][0]), 1000, 740)
            image(arrow_down_img, 900, 770)
        if map[player[1]][4] != None:
            textAlign(LEFT, CENTER)
            text('{0}'.format(map[map[player[1]][4]][0]), 260, 500)
            image(arrow_right_img, 30, 400)
        textAlign(CENTER, CENTER)
        text('You are currently at {0}'.format(map[player[1]][0]), 1000, 1050) 
        if map[player[1]][1] != None:
            print('The north way leads to the', map[map[player[1]][1]][0])
        if map[player[1]][2] != None:
            print('The east way leads to the', map[map[player[1]][2]][0])
        if map[player[1]][3] != None:
            print('The south way leads to the', map[map[player[1]][3]][0])
        if map[player[1]][4] != None:
            print('The west way leads to the', map[map[player[1]][4]][0])

        determiner = False    
        while determiner == False:
            if mousePressed: 
                if 900 < mouseX < 1100 and 260 < mouseY < 460:
                    player[1] = map[player[1]][1]
                    determiner = True
                if 1770 < mouseX < 1970 and 400 < mouseY < 600:
                    player[1] = map[player[1]][2]
                    determiner = True
                if 900 < mouseX < 1100 and 770 < mouseY < 970:
                    player[1] = map[player[1]][3]
                    determiner = True
                if 30 < mouseX < 230 and 400 < mouseY < 600:
                    player[1] = map[player[1]][4]
                    determiner = True
    elif win_condition == 0:
        text('You did it adventurer', 1000, 250)
        text('YOU WON !!!', 1000, 500)
        text('You collected {0} gold, {1} emerald, and {2} diamonds'.format(player[2], player[3], player[4]), 1000, 750)

1)Format all the code
2)Wow, your code is really big,
3)(Its stupid to say but) print works on console, but you cant see what is printed on the canvas
4) It seems that all ok, can you make a download file for the images so I can run this code?

arrow arrow_down arrow_left arrow_right

Next time put photos in a downloadable folder in google drive or something similar (if you can)
I run your code, and the print() workCattura
but I start with the end
“You did it, you won” and for animations,I dont understand what animations

1 Like

sorry about the pictures. What do you mean by you started wit the end? Did you do any modifications to the code?
Did you load any images on to the program and activated the draw loop? It seems that you don’t have any graphics output on your side. Will the problem be on me putting the game program into the draw loop itself?

I did no modification, I start with the end screen :

I will take a look later in the day

Thank you for looking into my code. I manage to find out where the problem is. When I remove the last part where the mouse click isused as input so that the room is updated, the program work just fine (just without the ability to have any sort of input as it stays in the draw loop)

Every problem is solved now?