Drawing that follows the movement of a QR code in front of the webcam


I want to create a p5.js sketch that makes it possible to draw via the movement of a QR code (or with something like that) in front of the webcam.

For example I saw this:

But is it easier possible? (I am a beginner in programming.)



Maybe you can use the code from the marker tracking example and try to understand and adapt it to your needs.

// https://kylemcdonald.github.io/cv-examples/
// more here:
// http://fhtr.org/JSARToolKit/demos/tests/test2.html

var capture;
var w = 640,
    h = 480;

var raster, param, pmat, resultMat, detector;

function setup() {
    pixelDensity(1); // this makes the internal p5 canvas smaller
    capture = createCapture({
        audio: false,
        video: {
            width: w,
            height: h
    }, function() {
        console.log('capture ready.')
    capture.elt.setAttribute('playsinline', '');
    createCanvas(w, h);
    capture.size(w, h);

    raster = new NyARRgbRaster_Canvas2D(canvas);
    param = new FLARParam(canvas.width, canvas.height);
    pmat = mat4.identity();
    param.copyCameraMatrix(pmat, 100, 10000);
    resultMat = new NyARTransMatResult();
    detector = new FLARMultiIdMarkerDetector(param, 2);

function draw() {
    image(capture, 0, 0, w, h);
    canvas.changed = true;
    var thresholdAmount = 128; //select('#thresholdAmount').value() * 255 / 100;
    detected = detector.detectMarkerLite(raster, thresholdAmount);
    select('#markersDetected').elt.innerText = detected;
    for (var i = 0; i < detected; i++) {
        // read data from the marker
        // var id = detector.getIdMarkerData(i);

        // get the transformation for this marker
        detector.getTransformMatrix(i, resultMat);

        // convert the transformation to account for our camera
        var mat = resultMat;
        var cm = mat4.create();
        cm[0] = mat.m00, cm[1] = -mat.m10, cm[2] = mat.m20, cm[3] = 0;
        cm[4] = mat.m01, cm[5] = -mat.m11, cm[6] = mat.m21, cm[7] = 0;
        cm[8] = -mat.m02, cm[9] = mat.m12, cm[10] = -mat.m22, cm[11] = 0;
        cm[12] = mat.m03, cm[13] = -mat.m13, cm[14] = mat.m23, cm[15] = 1;
        mat4.multiply(pmat, cm, cm);

        // define a set of 3d vertices
        var q = 1;
        var verts = [
            vec4.create(-q, -q, 0, 1),
            vec4.create(q, -q, 0, 1),
            vec4.create(q, q, 0, 1),
            vec4.create(-q, q, 0, 1),
//            vec4.create(0, 0, -2*q, 1) // poke up

        // convert that set of vertices from object space to screen space
        var w2 = width / 2,
            h2 = height / 2;
        verts.forEach(function (v) {
            mat4.multiplyVec4(cm, v);
            v[0] = v[0] * w2 / v[3] + w2;
            v[1] = -v[1] * h2 / v[3] + h2;

        fill(0, millis() % 255);
        verts.forEach(function (v) {
            vertex(v[0], v[1]);