Hey guys so I want to know how a ball or drawing can be scaled as it moves from one area to the other? Say I have a ball and its being controlled by my mouse, at the bottom left corner its big, but as I move it towards the top right it gets small. How may I achieve this?
From the example here I did the following modification to change the size based on position along the Y axis.
final float MINSIZE=5;
final float MAXSIZE=60;
float rad = 60; // Width of the shape
float xpos, ypos; // Starting position of shape
float xspeed = 2.8; // Speed of the shape
float yspeed = 2.2; // Speed of the shape
int xdirection = 1; // Left or Right
int ydirection = 1; // Top to Bottom
void setup()
size(640, 360);
// Set the starting position of the shape
xpos = width/2;
ypos = height/2;
void draw()
// Update the position of the shape
xpos = xpos + ( xspeed * xdirection );
ypos = ypos + ( yspeed * ydirection );
// Test to see if the shape exceeds the boundaries of the screen
// If it does, reverse its direction by multiplying by -1
if (xpos > width-rad || xpos < rad) {
xdirection *= -1;
if (ypos > height-rad || ypos < rad) {
ydirection *= -1;
// Draw the shape
ellipse(xpos, ypos, rad, rad);
float calculateBallSize(float ypos){
return map(mouseY,0,height,MINSIZE,MAXSIZE);