Hello all!
I have a question/problem regarding PImages. I am working on a project that converts MIDI text files into images, concatenates those images into one large image, and then divides that long image into 8888 pixel squares. So far, I have successfully converted individual MIDI files into PImages and combined those images into one long image (its dimensions are 88 pixels by about 11,176 pixels). However, when I try to separate this long image into separate 8888 square PImages, all the resulting PImages are completely black, rather than black and white. I have created a simple graphic illustrating my plans/objective. The first two steps have been completed.
Here is my complete code: The problem, I believe, should be around line 82 or 98.
String[][] lines;
int yoff;
PImage[] images;
PImage newim;
color[][] divpix;
void setup() {
size(800, 800);
images = new PImage[12];
lines = new String[12][];
yoff = 0;
lines[0] = loadStrings("aprilfull.txt");
lines[1] = loadStrings("august.txt");
lines[2] = loadStrings("december.txt");
lines[3] = loadStrings("February.txt");
lines[4] = loadStrings("january.txt");
lines[5] = loadStrings("july.txt");
lines[6] = loadStrings("june.txt");
lines[7] = loadStrings("march.txt");
lines[8] = loadStrings("may.txt");
lines[9] = loadStrings("november.txt");
lines[10] = loadStrings("october.txt");
lines[11] = loadStrings("september.txt");
for (int i = 0; i< images.length; i++) {
produceImages(lines[i], i);
for (int i = 0; i< images.length; i++) {
String name = "season" + i + ".jpg";
int len = 0;
for (int j = 0; j< images.length; j++) {
len += images[j].pixels.length;
len /= 88;
newim = createImage(len, 88, RGB);
//newim.pixels[] concatPix = new int[len];
int ind = 0;
for (int i = 0; i< 88; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j< images.length; j++) {
for (int k = i*images[j].width; k<(i+1)*(images[j].width); k++) {
newim.pixels[ind] = images[j].pixels[k];
// println(images[j].pixels[k].);
int totalwid = newim.width;
int rem = (totalwid)%88;
divpix = new color[totalwid/88][7744];
PImage[] trainingSet = new PImage[totalwid/88];
int allocator = 0;
int counter = 0;
for (int vertStack = 0; vertStack < newim.height; vertStack ++) {
for (int horizIndex = 0; horizIndex < newim.width - rem; horizIndex++) {
if (horizIndex %88 ==0 && horizIndex != 0) allocator ++;
divpix[allocator][horizIndex - allocator * 88] = color(newim.get(horizIndex, vertStack));
//print(red(newim.get(horizIndex, vertStack)) + "," + green(newim.get(horizIndex, vertStack)) + "," + blue(newim.get(horizIndex, vertStack)) + " | ");
if (red(newim.get(horizIndex, vertStack)) != 0 ||green(newim.get(horizIndex, vertStack)) != 0 || blue(newim.get(horizIndex, vertStack)) != 0) {
// print(counter + " " + (red(newim.get(horizIndex, vertStack)) + green(newim.get(horizIndex, vertStack)) + blue(newim.get(horizIndex, vertStack)))/3 + " | " );
print(counter + " " + (red(divpix[allocator][horizIndex - allocator * 88]) + green(divpix[allocator][horizIndex - allocator * 88]) + blue(divpix[allocator][horizIndex - allocator * 88]))/3 + " | " );
allocator = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<trainingSet.length; i++) {
trainingSet[i] = createImage(88, 88, RGB);
for (int j = 0; j < trainingSet[i].pixels.length; j++) {
if ((red(divpix[i][j]) + green(divpix[i][j]) + blue(divpix[i][j]))/3 != 0)
print((red(divpix[i][j]) + green(divpix[i][j]) + blue(divpix[i][j]))/3 + " ");
trainingSet[i].pixels[j] = divpix[i][j];
String name2 = "trainingData/" + i + ".jpg";
void produceImages(String[] noteLines, int which) {
ArrayList<String> newLines;
int[][] notes;
int placeHolder;
int beatTC;
int meterDivisor;
newLines = new ArrayList<String>();
beatTC = 0;
for (int i = 0; i< noteLines.length; i++) {
if (noteLines[i].contains(" On ch=")) {
int firstSpace = noteLines[i].indexOf(" ");
int nVal = noteLines[i].indexOf("n=");
int vVal = noteLines[i].indexOf("v=");
newLines.add(new String(noteLines[i].substring(0, firstSpace) + "," + noteLines[i].substring(nVal+2, vVal-1) + "," + noteLines[i].substring(vVal+2, noteLines[i].length())));
placeHolder = Integer.parseInt(newLines.get(0).substring(0, newLines.get(0).indexOf(",")));
int pH2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i< newLines.size(); i++) {
if (!(Integer.parseInt(newLines.get(i).substring(0, newLines.get(i).indexOf(","))) == placeHolder)) {
pH2 = Integer.parseInt(newLines.get(i).substring(0, newLines.get(i).indexOf(",")));
meterDivisor = pH2- placeHolder;
int maxim = 0;
for (int i = 0; i< newLines.size(); i++) {
if ((Integer.parseInt(newLines.get(i).substring(0, newLines.get(i).indexOf(",")))) > maxim) maxim = (Integer.parseInt(newLines.get(i).substring(0, newLines.get(i).indexOf(","))));
beatTC = (maxim - placeHolder)/meterDivisor;
notes = new int[88][beatTC + 1];
for (int i = 0; i<newLines.size(); i++) {
int nvst = newLines.get(i).indexOf(",") +1;
int nVal2 = Integer.parseInt(newLines.get(i).substring(nvst, newLines.get(i).indexOf(",", nvst))) - 21;
int val = Integer.parseInt(newLines.get(i).substring(newLines.get(i).indexOf(",", nvst) +1, newLines.get(i).length()));
// println(beatTC);
println("beatTC: " + beatTC + "| Which: " + which + "| nVal2: " + nVal2 + "| meter divisor: " + meterDivisor + "| timestamp Index: " + (Integer.parseInt(newLines.get(i).substring(0, newLines.get(i).indexOf(","))) - placeHolder)/meterDivisor);
// println((Integer.parseInt(newLines.get(i).substring(0, newLines.get(i).indexOf(","))) - placeHolder)/meterDivisor);
println("X: " + (Integer.parseInt(newLines.get(i).substring(0, newLines.get(i).indexOf(",")))));
if ((Integer.parseInt(newLines.get(i).substring(0, newLines.get(i).indexOf(",")))) > placeHolder) notes[nVal2][(Integer.parseInt(newLines.get(i).substring(0, newLines.get(i).indexOf(","))) - placeHolder)/meterDivisor]= int(map(val, 0, 200, 1, 255));
int[] pixvals = new int[notes.length * notes[0].length];
int ck = 0;
for (int i = notes.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
for (int j = 0; j< notes[0].length; j++) {
pixvals[ck] = notes[i][j];
images[which] =createImage(notes[0].length, notes.length, RGB);
for (int i = 0; i < images[which].pixels.length; i++) {
images[which].pixels[i] = color(pixvals[i]);
//images[which].pixels[i] = color(255, 0, 0);
void draw() {
//for (int i = 0; i< images.length; i++) {
// image(images[i], (width-(images[i].width))/2, yoff);
// yoff += 88;
image(newim, 20, height/2);
text(newim.width + " | " + newim.height, width/2, height/2);
//image(img, (width-(img.width))/2, (height-(img.height))/2);
The files can be obtained by putting these MIDI files: http://www.piano-midi.de/tschai.htm through this MIDI to text converter: http://flashmusicgames.com/midi/mid2txt.php