Hi, I wrote this function to display an p5.Table as HTML table outside the canvas for my project and I thought it might be useful to others. It might take me a while to figure out how to use git to contribute to the table object. so I ll post it here first and here is a sketch to showcase it.
function build_HTML_table (tbl, tableID, parentID, classID){
// create an HTML table with w3.css class with the table tbl
// tbl should be a p5.Table object
// tableID is the selector ID you want to assign to the table
// parentID is the element ID under which you want to locate the table
// classID is the class to add to the <table>
let cc = tbl.getColumnCount();
let rc = tbl.getRowCount();
let rows = tbl.getRows();
print('col =' +cc + ' row = ' +rc);
// setup the table header HTML string
let hh ="<tr>"; // header html
for (let c = 0; c < cc; c++) {
hh +="<th>" + tbl.columns[c] +"</th>";
hh +="</tr>"
// setup the table row HTML string
let rh =""; // row html
for (let r = 0; r < rc; r++){
rh +="<tr>";
for (let c = 0; c < cc; c++){
// add the content of each cell
rh +="<td>" + tbl.get(r,c) + "</td>";
rh +="</tr>";
//print('cell (0,1) = ' + tbl.get(0, 1));
//print('cell (0,0) = ' + tbl.get(0, 0));
let t = createElement('table', hh+rh);
t.addClass(classID); // add the table class from w3.csss
t.id(tableID); // sets the id for this <table>