Good suggestion from @Chrisir. But there are often times where one may need to display contents separately without appending them with \n. An example could be where the file contents are choices for a question and you may want your user to click on the choices displayed.
So in cases like this one, here is a simple method to calculate the number of lines it will take to display the text on canvas. Needless to say, this depends on the textSize() and textFont() set.
void setup () {
size(700, 1000);
String [] words2 = loadStrings("byer2.txt");
float xPos = 100, yPos = 100;
float w = 500, h = 200;
float eachH = textAscent() + textDescent(); // height for each line
for ( int k = 0; k < words2.length; k++) {
text(words2[k], xPos, yPos, w, h);
yPos += linesRequired(words2[k], 500)*eachH;
int linesRequired(String input, float toDisplayOnW) {
float allCharW = 0;
for (char c : input.toCharArray())
allCharW += textWidth(c);
return int((ceil(allCharW/toDisplayOnW) + 1));
To have each city / word of a new color you need to split at ‘ ‘ (a space sign) - then check the length of the resulting array and make a color arry c1 of the same length - and then for loop over the resulting array and use fill(c1[i]); and use text(… and check for necessary line breaks
// set of allowed colors
final color[] POSSIBLE_COLORS = {
color(255, 0, 0),
color(255, 0, 255),
color(255, 255, 0)
String [] words2 = {"Upsala", "Stockholm", "Kopenhagen", "Langeland", "Malmö"};
String [] individual;
color[] wordColors;
void setup() { // array
size(710, 600);
// make a longer list of words
for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) {
words2 = concat(words2, words2);
// step 1: join and make individual words (array "individual")
individual = split(join(words2, " "), " ");
// step 2: generate color list "wordColors" of the same length as array individual
wordColors = new color[individual.length];
// step 3: fill color list "wordColors"
for (int i = 0; i<individual.length; i++) {
wordColors[i] = POSSIBLE_COLORS [int(random(POSSIBLE_COLORS.length))];
void draw() {
showText( individual );
void showText(String[] localArray) {
int x = 12;
int y = 33;
for (int i = 0; i<localArray.length; i++) {
// Do we need a line break?
if (x+textWidth(localArray[i])>width-13) {
// line break
x = 12; // reset x
y += 29; // next line
text(localArray[i], x, y);
x+=textWidth(localArray[i])+5; // increase x
how would I go about having each individual city increase and decrease in opacity/transparency? to my understanding the program only reads the text loop once, so would you write a function for the animation and place that into the text()?
this is where I am at so far
class OrdBillede2 {
float opacity;
color [] muligeFarver = {
color(100, 214, 232),
color(22, 81, 32),
color(31, 66, 106),
String [] words2 = loadStrings("byer2.txt");
String [] individual;
color [] byFarver;
int o;
PFont font1;
float textStr2 = 15;
OrdBillede2() {
font1 = loadFont ("Akkurat-Bold-18.vlw");
//for (int i = 0; i <10; i++) {
// words2 = concat(words2, words2);
individual = split(join(words2, " "), " ");
byFarver = new color[individual.length];
for (int i = 0; i<individual.length; i++) {
byFarver[i] = muligeFarver [int(random(muligeFarver.length))];
} // loop
for (int i = 0; i<individual.length; i++) {
} // OrdBillede2()
void display() {
opacity = random(0,255);
showText (individual);
} // void display
void showText(String [] localArray) {
int x = 80;
int y = 176;
for ( int i = 0; i <localArray.length; i++) {
if (x+textWidth (localArray[i])>width-5) {
x = 80;
y += 30;
fill(byFarver[i], opacity);
text(localArray[i], x, y);
x+=textWidth (localArray[i])+22;
opacity = opacity +10;
} // void showText
} // ordBillede2
It seems like, in general, you want to flow a set of substrings together into one or more paragraphs while embedding advanced formatting (changes in color, opacity, etc.) around words or phrases.
You might be interested in this previous related discussion:
Wow! This shows a deep misunderstanding of what’s going…
just play with the code a bit.
As you can see in the function showText we use one array for the word localArray and one for the color byFarver.
Read about arrays in the reference
the function showText uses text()
Now to have a variety you could have an array byOpacity like byFarver that hold those values. Define byOpacity where byFarver is defined and use it where byFarver is used