Solution at the bottom of post, but I can’t offer an explanation!
I’m trying to make a delta operator to keep track of change in velocity, and I encountered something I have never seen in any language before. I store one pvector into another, manipulate the original, and BOTH experience the same manipulation? What is going on?
class Star {
PVector pos = new PVector(width/2, height/2); //position
PVector clk = new PVector(0, 0); //click
PVector Vel = new PVector(0, 0); //velocity
PVector oVel = new PVector(0, 0); //old velocity
PVector dVel = new PVector(0, 0); //delta velocity
PVector acc = new PVector(0, 0); //acceleration
int size;
Star (int s){
size = s;
void click(float x, float y){
clk.x = x;
clk.y = y;
void update( ){
acc.x = clk.x - pos.x;
acc.y = clk.y - pos.y;
// Start of question area
oVel = Vel; //Variable copied
Vel.add(acc); //orignal changed
Vel.mult(0.97); //and changed again
println(oVel, Vel); //oVel, and Vel are always equal, oVel is magically changed
dVel.sub(Vel, oVel);
//ill spare you this long atrocity.
Well I was able to make this work by using the PVector.copy() method.
oVel = Vel.Copy();
//instead of :
oVel = Vel;