Delaunay Triangulation in Processing 4

I’m looking for any libraries to help with Delaunay Triangulation that work in Processing 4. None of the deprecated libraries seem to install or work when I try them now. Any tips for where I can find this capability in the current Library manager? Thanks.

What libraries were you using before? If you still have the .jar you can usually make this into a working processing library.

I’ve been using “Triangle” to make a mesh around an airfoil. Delaunay is one of the options. Here’s a link to the code for it. GitHub - libigl/triangle: This is a mirror of the latest stable version of Triangle. Maybe you’ll find it useful.

…I’ve had some luck myself rewriting c++ classes into java.

See GitHub - micycle1/PGS: Processing Geometry Suite. It triangulates PShapes or point sets, and supports triangulation refinement too.

It’s not on the library manager but its easy to download from the Github page (install instructions are present on the README too).

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I am sure you know already, but there is an underlying relationship between Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi diagrams. So, a search for voronoi might throw up something useful:
// Simple Voronoi Diagram - OpenProcessing