I am a newbie, attempting to use the debugger to figure out why my sketch isn’t doing what I want. But it never shows anything in the variables window, and simply shows a massive red error message in the console instead. This happens both with my “problem” sketch and an earlier sketch that works just fine.
I am running Processing 3.5.4 in Windows 10 in Java mode. The console error message begins with:
Exception in thread “AWT-EventQueue-0” java.lang.NullPointerException
at processing.mode.java.VariableInspector$OutlineRenderer.getIcon(VariableInspector.java:501)
at processing.mode.java.VariableInspector$OutlineRenderer.getIcon(VariableInspector.java:566)
at org.netbeans.swing.outline.DefaultOutlineCellRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(DefaultOutlineCellRenderer.java:314)
What I do to generate this mess is:
(1) Load the sketch.
(2) Hit the butterfly icon in the upper right (or select Debug->Enable Debugger from the menu; doesn’t matter), which pops up an empty Variables window.
(3) Click a line number inside the draw() function, which turns that line number into a diamond.
(4) Hit the Continue button, or the Step button, or the Play button (it doesn’t matter). This results in vomiting the red error messages in the console, along with a message in the bar above saying “Debugger halted,” and no variables ever showing in the variables window.
I’m sorry if this question has been answered elsewhere in the forum. If it has, I can’t find it. Any clues would be greatly appreciated.