Hi @Twooze,
Welcome to the forum!
This is an interesting problem, I tried to solve it in my free time so thanks for that!
As pointed by @Chrisir, you can achieve that by using the mask()
function. It uses grayscale data to mask parts of an image: dark for deleting parts and white for keeping them.
Let’s suppose you have an image and you want to crop it with a quad that has a shear angle of 20 degrees:
You can compute the coordinates of the quad to draw and display that on an empty image in white (to mask the rest):
PImage maskImageWithQuad(PImage img, float shearAngle) {
// Use the same dimensions for mask()
PGraphics quadMask = createGraphics(img.width, img.height);
// Compute the distance for the coordinates
float shearDist = img.height * tan(radians(shearAngle));
// Draw the quad on an off-screen canvas
quadMask.quad(0, 0, shearDist, img.height, img.width, img.height, img.width - shearDist, 0);
// Make a copy of the image and apply the mask
PImage maskedImage = img.copy();
return maskedImage;
And use it like this:
PImage img = loadImage(...);
PImage masked = maskImageWithQuad(img, 20); // in degrees
You need to handle the edge cases where the first and last image are not masked with the same quad (the x coordinates of some points are not offset).
Now this is nice but you also need to randomly create the layout with rows of same height but different number of images / orientation. For each row, choose a random orientation (left, vertical or right) and a random number of images to display.
I won’t give the full code now but here are the different collage I am getting (using images from Lorem Picsum):
Tell me if you have more questions!