here is a similar example which loads a text file that I will post too. See below.
The example works with labels instead of line numbers. I personally would prefer line numbers. But here you go.
When you would have a lot of Dialogues, I would recommend a assistant program that would assist you in making the dialogue and would write the text file. The assistant would handle the line number automatically.
I haven’t done this.
It could look like this:
// text adventure program
// Version 0.1:
// now with a command in the line to have different backgrounds
// now with labels instead of line numbers
// now with file "textFile.txt" to load instead of having those data in the sketch
// This must be in data folder and must hold the lines.
LabelX1#Would you like \nto help me or not?#Heck, why not#Leave me alone!#What's in it for me?#I am not sure#ThatIsNice#LabelX3#LabelX6#LabelX8#command0
ThatIsNice#That is nice!#Whatever you say#LabelX8#command2
LabelX3#That is sad. Do you want to tell me your name?#Of course#No way!#Test 1#Test 2#LabelAskForName#LabelX5#LabelX8#LabelX8#command1
LabelAskForName#What's your name#?#!#LabelX8#LabelX8#command2
LabelX5#You don't tell your name# Correct #LabelX8#command1
LabelX6#A lot of money. #OK#LabelX7#command1
LabelX7#How are you#LabelSeven#command1
LabelSeven#!!! HOOray !!!!!! \n YOU Won !!!!! #LabelX1#command2
LabelX8#Game over\nPress mouse to play again. #LabelX1#command2
// the data:
// each room / situation / question in the text adventure program
// is represented by one line in the array "fileText".
// Each line holds:
// * A description of a room,
// * one or more button texts.
// * one or more line numbers to go next within fileText.
// * a command pointer to be able to make different backgrounds etc.
// Those things are called components of a line.
// The components of a line are separated by #.
// There are 5 different types of lines:
// Those with 0 button (= text for the room + line to jump to)
// Those with 1 button (= text for the room + text for button + line to jump to)
// Those with 2 buttons (= text for the room + 2 texts for button + 2 lines to jump to)
// Those with 3 buttons (= text for the room + 3 texts for button + 3 lines to jump to)
// Those with 4 buttons (= text for the room + 4 texts for button + 4 lines to jump to)
// As you can see, the number of components vary from 3 to 10.
// The text and the buttons are displayed in parseText().
// Depending on where you click, a different button is clicked in mousePressed().
// Depending on this button the associated line number from the components becomes the current line number "pointer",
// we start again using this new line number (representing a new room / question / set of buttons).
// To make new rooms / situations / questions in the text adventure program, just append lines to
// fileText. You might also want to store them in a textfile (use loadStrings).
// When you append lines, make sure to use # to seprate components.
// The numbers of button texts must match the number of associated line numbers (they are pairs).
// Make sure that each line number associated with a button points to a line number that exists.
// use this or loadStrings for all lines:
String[] fileText;
// where are we in this text file ? current line number:
int pointer = 0; // 0 = very first line
// when we look at one line with its components
String[] thisLine; // this holds the components
// some constants: // indexes of thisLine
final int undefined = -1;
final int labelIndex = 0;
final int question = 1;
Button[] buttons = new Button[4];
HashMap<String, Integer> hm = new HashMap();
// --------------------------------------------------
void setup() {
// setup() runs only once
size(940, 680);
// load the fle from hard drive
fileText = loadStrings ("textFile.txt");
// trim all lines; here we could sort out comment lines if we had those
for (int i=0; i<fileText.length; i++) {
if (fileText[i].equals(""))
println("One line is empty");
}// for
// error check over all lines, preparing HashMap -----------------------------------------
boolean errorDetected=false;
for (int i=0; i<fileText.length; i++) {
// we use split to get the components of a line
thisLine = split(fileText[i], "#");
println (i + ": "+fileText[i]+ "\t -------- has length " + thisLine.length);
// error check
if (thisLine.length!=4&&thisLine.length!=5&&thisLine.length!=7&&thisLine.length!=9&&thisLine.length!=11) {
// error
println ("+++++++++++++++++ not right number components in length"+fileText[i]+" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
// test if the label already occured
int dummy = -1;
if (hm.containsKey(thisLine[labelIndex])) {
//if (dummy!=-1)
println ("HashMap Error, duplicate label ########################################### "+thisLine[labelIndex]);
// store label in HashMap and associate with line number
hm.put(thisLine[labelIndex], i);
// evaluate error check over all lines (optional) -----------------------------------------
if (errorDetected) {
println ("+++++++++++++++++");
println ("End of setup() -----------------");
void draw() {
// draw() runs on and on
// analyse current line
// -----------------------------------------------------------
void parseText() {
// called by draw()
fill(255); // WHITE
// we use split to get the components of a line
thisLine = split(fileText[pointer], "#");
int lastComponent=thisLine.length-1;
// display number / this is more for testing / in the upper left corner (optional)
textSize(14); // small text size
text(pointer, 22, 22);
// build buttons
// show main text // same for all kinds of lines
// (no matter how many components)
textSize(22); // big text size
text (thisLine[question], 222, 222);
textSize(14); // small text size
// display buttons
for (Button b : buttons) {
void callASpecialFunction(String command) {
String cmdNumber = trim ( command.replace("command", ""));
int cmd = int( cmdNumber );
switch(cmd) {
case 0:
background(255, 2, 234); // pink
case 1:
background(255, 2, 2); // red
case 2:
background(2, 2, 255); // blue
println ("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ");
println ("Error 220 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \n"
println ("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ");
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void mousePressed () {
// called automatically
if (pointer==undefined) {
// restart
pointer = 0;
} // if
// ----
// branch, go to line associated button
for (Button b : buttons) {
if (b.mouseOver()) {
//go to next line
} //func
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void buildButtons() {
// This is the only function that is a little complicate.
// Here we bring the current line into buttons and their pointers.
// constants for buttons
float wButton=220, hButton=23;
// reset all buttons
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
buttons[i]=new Button(2, 2, wButton, hButton, "", "");
// depending on the numbers of components in the line
switch (thisLine.length) {
case 4:
// no button / we make ONE big button
// those are for thisLine with a length of 2 components
final int threeComponentsPointer = 2;
buttons[0]=new Button(-10, -10, width+10, height+10, "", thisLine[threeComponentsPointer]);
case 5:
// 1 + 2 components (text, one button, one pointer) + command
// build button
// those are for thisLine with a length of 2 or 3 components
final int fourComponentsText1 = 2;
final int fourComponentsButtonPointer = 3;
buttons[0]=new Button(222+66, 222+55, wButton, hButton, thisLine[fourComponentsText1], thisLine[fourComponentsButtonPointer]);
case 7:
// 1+ 2x2 components (text, 2 button-pointer-pairs)
// yes / no buttons
final int sixComponentsText1 = 2;
final int sixComponentsText2 = 3;
final int sixComponents1Pointer = 4;
final int sixComponents2Pointer = 5;
buttons[0]=new Button(222-120, 222+55, wButton, hButton, thisLine[sixComponentsText1], thisLine[sixComponents1Pointer]);
buttons[1]=new Button(222+120, 222+55, wButton, hButton, thisLine[sixComponentsText2], thisLine[sixComponents2Pointer]);
case 9:
// 1 + 3x2 components (text, 3 button-pointer-pairs)
// yes / no buttons
float x=222-100;
// those are (additionally) for thisLine with a length of 5 components
// those are for thisLine with a length of 7+1 components
final int eightComponentsText1 = 2;
final int eightComponentsText2 = 3;
final int eightComponentsTextThird = 4;
final int eightComponentsPointer1 = 5;
final int eightComponentsPointer2 = 6;
final int eightComponentsPointer3 = 7;
buttons[0]=new Button(222-100, 222+55, wButton, hButton, thisLine[eightComponentsText1], thisLine[eightComponentsPointer1]);
buttons[1]=new Button(x+=100, 222+55, wButton, hButton, thisLine[eightComponentsText2], thisLine[eightComponentsPointer2]);
buttons[2]=new Button(x+=100, 222+55, wButton, hButton, thisLine[eightComponentsTextThird], thisLine[eightComponentsPointer3]);
case 11:
// 1 + 4x2 components (text, 4 button-pointer-pairs)
// those are for thisLine with a length of 9+1 components
// final int tenComponentsQuestion = 0;
final int tenComponentsText1 = 2;
final int tenComponentsText2 = 3;
final int tenComponentsText3 = 4;
final int tenComponentsText4 = 5;
final int tenComponentsPointer1 = 6;
final int tenComponentsPointer2 = 7;
final int tenComponentsPointer3 = 8;
final int tenComponentsPointer4 = 9;
int index = tenComponentsText1;
int index2 = tenComponentsPointer1;
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
buttons[i]=new Button(222, 222+100*(i+1), wButton, hButton, thisLine[index], thisLine[index2]);
println ("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ");
println ("Error 359 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \n"
println ("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ");
// ================================================================
class Button {
// a standard button class for mouse clickable areas on the screen
float x, y, // pos
w, h; // size
String textButton; // text to display
boolean exist=false; // does the button exist?
String pointerButton; // the line number we jump to
Button(float x_, float y_,
float w_, float h_,
String textButton_,
String pointerButton_) {
exist = true;
void display() {
if (!exist)
// rect
stroke(255); //White
rect(x, y, w, h);
text(textButton, x+3, y+h/2+5);
boolean mouseOver() {
if (!exist)
return false;
return mouseX>x && mouseY>y&&
mouseX<x+w && mouseY<y+h;
void setPointer() {
if (!exist)
int getLineNumberFromLabel(String label) {
return hm.get( label );