Creating an empty Table object in Python mode (and some other hidden "data" classes)

Another documentation gap that drives me mad is that the Python equivalent of an example like the (Java) Table t = new Table() is missing.

Table is missing from the and nobody tells you how to import the needed constructor with from import Table :frowning:

So here you go:

from import Table

def setup():
  table = Table()
  newRow = table.addRow()
  newRow.setInt("id", table.getRowCount() - 1)
  newRow.setString("species", "Panthera leo")
  newRow.setString("name", "Lion")
  saveTable(table, "data/new.csv")

For the curious, there are some other Python<->Java compatibility-helping objects hidden on this data module.

import processing
['DoubleDict', 'DoubleList', 'FloatDict', 'FloatList', 'IntDict', 'IntList', 'JSONArray', 'JSONObject', 'JSONTokener', 'LongDict', 'LongList', 'Sort', 'StringDict', 'StringList', 'Table', 'TableRow', 'XML', '__name__']

Why not use the nice built-in Python csv module you might ask?

import csv
with open('names.csv', 'w') as csvfile:  # Python 2 has no encoding on open()
        fieldnames = ["species", "name"]
        writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
        writer.writerow({"species" : "Panthera Leo", "name" : u"Léo the Lion"})

I had problems with unicode strings, (non-ASCII characters) encoding it writes the file as ISO-885914 and not UTF-8 I would prefer.


You can set the encoding in open()-function

with open('names.csv', 'w', encoding="utf-8") as csvfile:

Hi @SomeOne!

This is Python 2.7 (Jython) and so open() has no encoding keyword argument :frowning:

A have also tried to import io and then used that is closer to Python 3 (so I tried to make it work with encoding=) but it didn’t work either for me :confused: … If anyone manages to make work with csv.DictWriter I’d be really glad. I have studied the docs, they show some enconding wrapper techiques for csv but I couldn’t manage it.

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I think I have the solution for the UTF-8 on Python 2 now! It is:

from codecs import open

An example:

from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import csv
from codecs import open

# Define data
data = [
    (1, "maçã,", 1.0),
    (42, "manga, uva", 2.0),
    (1337, "jaca", -1),
    (0, "kiwi", 123),
    (-2, "Nada.", 3),
def setup():
    size(600, 600)
    background(0, 100, 0)
    # textSize(24)
    textFont(createFont('Source Code Pro', 24))

    # Write CSV file
    with open("test.csv", "wt", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
        writer = csv.writer(fp)
        # writer.writerow(["your", "header", "foo"])  # write header
    # Read CSV file
    with open("test.csv", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
        reader = csv.reader(fp)
        # next(reader, None)  # skip the headers
        data_read = [row for row in reader]
        x, y = 20, 20
        for row in data_read:
            for item in row:
                print(item.ljust(12), end='')
                text(item.ljust(12), x, y)
                x += textWidth(item.ljust(12))
            y += 32
            x = 20

UPDATE/WARNING: csv.DictReader(file) does not work with utf-8 because of Jython limitations 13.1. csv — CSV File Reading and Writing — Jython v2.5.2 documentation csv.reader() might be unsafe too :frowning: