So say if I want to create a shield so that you would have to take down the shield before killing the enemy. How would I code that?
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If the enemies are invulnerable before you destroy the shield you could do something like
//enemy die check
if(hasShield==false&&lives<0) destroyed();
otherwise you can just do something like
void damaged(int dmg) {
if(shieldPoints>0) shieldPoints -= dmg;
if(shieldPoints<0) {
lifePoints+=shieldPoints; //since shield points are less than 0, so addition will lower the number
shieldPoints = 0;
} else lifePoints-=dmg;
//only display shield if shieldPoints>0
EDIT: there is a bug. I should not have used else lifePoints-=dmg
since that would never happen with shieldPoints equal or lower to 0. I fixed it now, so the condition is shieldPoints<0
instead of <=