also it does not make sense to make the shape ( esp as it is same )
at draw ( 60 times per sec ) and at every element of the grid array.
you can make one shape ( at setup ) and call it from class.display
or create it in the class ( so each element can look different )
but at creation of array ( also setup ) and NOT at draw.
int x=10, y=x, w=80, h=w, off=10, grid=5, many=grid*grid;
Shape[] myGrid = new Shape[many];
void setup() {
size(1000, 1000);
for ( int i =0; i< myGrid.length; i++ ) myGrid[i] = new Shape( color(255, random(255), 0), w, h, x+(i%grid)*( w+off), y+(floor(i/grid))*(h+off) );
void draw() {
for ( int i =0; i< myGrid.length; i++ ) myGrid[i].display();
class Shape {
color c;
float xpos, ypos, w, h;
PShape a;
Shape(color tC, float tw, float th, float tXpos, float tYpos) {
c = tC;
xpos = tXpos;
ypos = tYpos;
a = createShape();
a.vertex(0, 0);
a.vertex(0, h);
a.vertex(w, h);
a.vertex(w, 0);
void display() {
shape(a, xpos, ypos);
your FOR loop does create many rect shapes,
but as it not uses the provided xpos/ypos
all are drawn at same position.
also please read prior topic: Indexing a for loop where i tried already to
show the purpose of prepared shapes
so i was thinking there is need to show again,
what should be done at setup, and what at draw,
that is what my example is for, and yes, it also shows other things,
like coding styles … GRID math …
Of course not working. As others have posted, there must be an array of Shape for holding a bunch of shapes
what the code does right now is creating a shape and overwritten by the next shape, eventually you will get a single last shape that was created.
One thing, do you need the block of grid manually created by hand? like a.vertex(..., ...) thing? easiest way to create grid (consist of rectangle) is giving the createShape() some parameters. Based on createShape() / Reference / you can pass parameters to create a rectangle
createShape(kind, p) kind int: either POINT, LINE, TRIANGLE, QUAD, RECT, ELLIPSE, ARC, BOX, SPHERE p float: parameters that match the kind of shape
yes, you can create a rectangle easier by passing RECT and its parameter so you don’t need a class of shape! also you can set its property individually like fill and stroke PShape a = createShape(RECT, x, y, w, h);
PShape[] myShapes;
int w = 100;
int h = 100;
void setup() {
size(1000, 1000, P2D);
int cw = width/w;
int ch = height/h;
myShapes = new PShape[cw*ch];
for (int x = 0; x < cw; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < ch; y++) {
int index = x + y * cw; //convert 2d array to 1d array
PShape a = createShape(RECT, x * w, y * h, w, h);
color c = color(255, random(255),0);
myShapes[index] = a;
void draw() {
for (PShape s : myShapes) {
Whenever calculating grids I’d refrain from using integers (w, h, cw, and ch in this case) for position calculations. In this situation it works since all numbers and outcomes are whole numbers (1000 / 100 = 10), but once that isn’t the case the grid will break and end up looking incorrect. Whenever you divide the width or height by an integer, the outcome will be rounded to a whole number.
In my experience floats yield better grid results when working with ‘odd’ window sizes, such as the 1005 pixel height thedurf18 is working with.